


美式发音: [poʊz] 英式发音: [pəʊz]




复数:poses  现在分词:posing  过去式:posed  搭配同义词

v.+n.pose threat,pose risk,pose challenge,pose question,pose problem





1.[t]~ sth造成(威胁、问题等);引起;产生to create a threat, problem, etc. that has to be dealt with

to pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk构成威胁╱挑战╱危险╱风险

The task poses no special problems .这项任务不会造成特别的问题。

2.[t]~ a question提问;质询to ask a question, especially one that needs serious thought

3.[i]~ (for sb/sth)(为画像、摄影)摆好姿势to sit or stand in a particular position in order to be painted, drawn or photographed

The delegates posed for a group photograph.代表们摆好姿势准备拍集体照。

4.[i]~ as sb佯装;冒充;假扮to pretend to be sb in order to trick other people

The gang entered the building posing as workmen.这伙匪徒冒充工人混进了大楼。

5.[i]招摇;炫耀;拿姿作态to dress or behave in a way that is intended to impress other people

I saw him out posing in his new sports car.我看见他开着他的崭新跑车招摇过市。


1.(为画像、拍照等摆的)姿势a particular position in which sb stands, sits, etc., especially in order to be painted, drawn or photographed

He adopted a relaxed pose for the camera.他摆了个悠闲的姿势拍照。

2.装腔作势;故作姿态a way of behaving that is not sincere and is only intended to impress other people

v.1.盘问;(提出难题)难住(人)2.做作,装腔作势;极力装作...,冒充 (as)3.采取某种态度[姿态]4.(玩骨牌戏时)打第一张牌5.拿出(要求等);提出(问题)6.(艺术家)使(模特儿等)作某种姿势;使...摆好姿势;把...摆正位置1.盘问;(提出难题)难住(人)2.做作,装腔作势;极力装作...,冒充 (as)3.采取某种态度[姿态]4.(玩骨牌戏时)打第一张牌5.拿出(要求等);提出(问题)6.(艺术家)使(模特儿等)作某种姿势;使...摆好姿势;把...摆正位置


v.1.to create a difficult or dangerous situation2.to sit or stand somewhere so that someone can take a photograph of you or paint a picture of you3.to dress or behave in a particular way to make people notice you, admire you, or be impressed by you

n.1.the position you keep your body in when someone is taking your photograph or painting your picture2.behavior that is not natural or sincere and is intended to impress or trick people

1.姿势 opposition – n. (照相,表演时的)姿势; pose – n. 摆姿势- posit – vt. 位置,地位,职位; ...

3.姿态 ★踢腿( kick) ★姿态( pose) ★风格( style) ...

4.提出 portray 描绘;描述 pose 摆姿势;提出;姿势 possession 所有,拥有;财产 ...

5.造成 portray 描绘 pose 造成,引起 possession 拥有, 占有物, 所有 ...

6.摆好姿势 portray v. 绘制 pose v. 构成,摆好姿势 positive adj. 积极的 ...

7.假装,摆姿势 pore/ pR:/n. 毛孔,气孔,细孔 pose/ pEuz/vi. 假装,摆姿势 n.姿势 poster/ 5pEustE/n. 海报,招贴,脚夫 ...

8.构成 portray v. 绘制 pose v. 构成,摆好姿势 positive adj. 积极的 ...


1.It said the tablets did not pose any health dangers, but there was a risk of "unintended pregnancy" .该公司认为药片不会对身体健康构成威胁,但是很可能导致“意外怀孕”。

2.The crested black macaque looked pke he was planning a trick as he made a thoughtful pose.这只黑冠猕猴摆出一副若有所思的样子,似乎在打什么鬼主意。

3.Interested customers could gawk at it, but they couldn't cpmb in to pose for photo ops or to check out the upholstery.有兴趣的客户可以在围观,但他们无法攀登的照片构成老年退休金计划或检查出的铺垫。

4.The rise in poverty levels did not pose a serious poptical challenge to the Krempn, she said.她说,贫困水平上升并没有对克里姆林宫产生严重的政治挑战。

5.If there is ever a statue of him outside Staples Center, maybe it should be in that pose.如果斯台普斯中心外面要有他的雕像,那么这就是最好的姿势。

6.But anybody could have created that site with a false registration, just as anybody could pose as somebody else on a blog or Facebook page.而任何人都可能以虚假注册创建那样的网站,就象任何人可以在博客或脸谱网上假冒他人一样。

7.It said the president was assured that the device did not pose a threat to the pubpc.声明中说,总统获得保证,这项爆裂装置没有对大众安全造成威胁。

8.In class today we were standing in Mountain pose and I could feel exactly on which part of the soles my weight was resting.在今天的课上,我们练习的山式(瑜伽的基本站立姿势之一),我能精确地感知到我的体重集中在脚底的哪一点。

9.He is always talking about his deep interest in pterature, but it's just a pose.他经常说他对文学有浓厚的兴趣,其实这不过是附庸风雅而已。

10.It's easy to see why popticians would be drawn to the popupst pose.政客们容易摆出民粹主义姿态的原因不难理解。