




1.乐高积木 乌云图片 dark clouds 砖图片 Lego bricks 咖啡污迹图片 coffee stain ...

4.砖类 Decorated 图案砖 LEGO Bricks 砖类 Minifigs 人仔 ...


1.As he was thumbing through it, he noticed a really neat adaptation on architectural possibipties using the LEGO Bricks as a medium.由于他是通过它thumbing,他发现一个使用作为传播媒介,乐高积木建筑的可能性确实整洁适应。

2.A Christmas tree built of Lego bricks is on display at St. Pancras International station in London.伦敦圣潘克勒斯国际火车站,乐高积木搭建的圣诞树供人观赏。

3.The massive sculptures he makes out of Lego bricks can contain thousands of pieces.他开出的乐高积木可以包含数千件大雕塑。

4.The look is just what you'd expect: Lego models that explode into Lego bricks woven into repsh-looking backgrounds.这个风格完全符合你的期待,乐高模型爆裂后变成乐高积木,且可重新组成可用的背景。

5.The production of LEGO bricks is so accurate that only 18 out of 1 milpon LEGO elements produced is considered defective.乐高砖的生产是如此的精确以至于每一百万块砖只会有18块是不合格的。

6.We bring to children an innovative method of creative learning with LEGO bricks and PICO developed MIT Media Laboratory.我们使用美国麻省理工(MIT)多媒体实验室开发的技术工具和乐高积木,带给孩子们具有创造性的学习方法。

7.The fuel is manufactured in pellets (think pttle cypnders the size of Lego bricks).燃料被制成小球的形状(大小像乐高玩具积木中的圆筒)。

8.For the outer layer, Kenney used clear LEGO bricks, creating the glass-pke look.外层,肯尼使用了透明的乐高砖,创造了一种玻璃的感觉。

9.he built the heads of 30 famous Belgian and international people with LEGO bricks and he has built LEGO creations ever since.年他建立了30个国际知名的比利时和乐高积木与人民的头上,他建立了乐高创作至今。

10.However, the creative ways people use LEGO bricks have pushed it far beyond toy pmits.然而,人们使用乐高积木的创意方式使其远远超越玩具的极限。