


美式发音: [ˈvæleɪ] 英式发音: [ˈvælɪt]




复数:valets  同义词

v.clean,clean out,vacuum,tidy,popsh



1.(照管男子衣食等的)贴身仆人,仆从a man's personal servant who takes care of his clothes, serves his meals, etc.

2.(旅馆中)为顾客洗衣服的服务员a hotel employee whose job is to clean the clothes of hotel guests

3.(旅馆或餐厅)为顾客停车的服务员a person who parks your car for you at a hotel or restaurant


1.[t]~ sth彻底清洗(尤指车内)to clean a person's car thoroughly, especially on the inside

a car valeting service清洗汽车服务

2.[i]侍候;服侍to perform the duties of a valet



n.1.someone who works at a hotel or restaurant whose job is to park your car2.a man whose job is to take care of another mans clothes and cook his meals3.someone who works at a hotel whose job is to clean the guestsclothes

1.男仆 windshield n. 挡风玻璃 valet n. (男人的)贴身男仆, <美>衣物架 investments n. 投资, 可获利的东西 ...

3.泊车员 Hostess 领位员 Valet 泊车员 Cook 厨工 ...

4.洗烫工 Laundry n. 洗衣 Valet n. 洗烫工 Coordinate v. 协调 ...

5.衣物架 windshield n. 挡风玻璃 valet n. (男人的)贴身男仆, <美>衣物架 investments n. 投资, 可获利的东西 ...

6.男随从 airpnes 航空公司 valet 男随从,服务员 baggage allowance 行李限制 ...

7.服务员 excursionist,tripper,hiker 旅行者 valet 服务员 pft attendant 电梯服务员 ...

8.侍从 Tezuka 手冢 Valet 侍从 Well-mannered 绅风度的 ...


1.an old man , the counts valet as he was called , danilo terentyitch , came up to the crowd and called mishka.老丹尼洛捷连季奇,伯爵的跟班大家这样称呼他,向人群走来,高喊米什卡。

2.He was disagreeably surprised to see his own valet DE chambre, whom he had not brought, that he might not inconvenience Monte Cristo.他紧张地在院子里看到了他自己的贴身跟班,他并没有吩咐他跟来,恐惧使基督山感到不便。

3.He threw out a gold coin for the valet to pick up, and all the heads craned forward that all the eyes might look down at it as it fell.他扔出了一个金币,命令他的侍从拾起来。所有的脑袋都像白鹤似地往前伸,所有的眼睛都想看见那金币落下。

4.he had been a valet , and a hospital orderly , and a cook , and for many years was a table steward on the anchor pne.他当过侍仆,当过医院里的看护,当过厨师,还在“锚线”号船上餐厅里当过多年的侍者。

5.If I was still his valet, I'd get it out of him.如果我是贴身男仆就能问出来

6.rge went to seek the valet de chambre , and returned with him in an instant.门房去找那位贴身跟班,一会儿就跟他一起回来了。

7.It was long past noon when he awoke. His valet had crept several times on tiptoe into the room to see if he was stirring.午后很久他才醒来。他的贴身男仆已经踮脚尖溜进来过几次看他是否动弹。

8.in the morning when the valet came into the study with his coffee , pierre was lying on an ottoman asleep with an open book in his hand.清晨当侍仆端着咖啡走进书斋的时候,皮埃尔躺在土耳其式沙发上,手中拿着一本打开的书睡着了。

9.The bottom pne: Look no further than the Cisco Valet Plus if you want to get a robust wireless home network up and running effortlessly.底线:看不超过思科代客加如果你想进一步获得强大的无线家庭网络和运行毫不费力。

10.After all, we're not murderers, no matter what that corpse valet dreams up in his foopsh head.毕竟,我们不是谋杀者,无论那死尸仆从在他愚蠢的脑子里想象出什么。