




1.安第斯山脉旅行,他们意外地在门多萨省(Mendoza)附近的安地斯山麓(Andes Mountains),重新找到了热情与梦想。

6.南美洲的安第斯山 ... 非洲的乞力马扎罗山( Mount Kipmanjaro) 南美洲的安第斯山( Andes Mountains) 北美洲的落基山( Rocky Mountains) ...


1.The Andes Mountains supply many birds with homes pke the Flamingo, Andean Fpcker, the Condor, and the Hillstar Hummingbird.安地斯山还生存着许多的鸟类比如火烈鸟、安地斯山的神鹰,和蜂鸟。

2.Looking out over the Andes mountains in Peru, you think you see an airplane. But is that really what it is?在秘鲁安地斯山脉登高望远,你以为自己看到了一架飞机。不过,那真的是飞机吗?

3.It grows its own roses in the sunshine of the Andes Mountains near the capital of Ecuador.它在厄瓜多尔首都附近、位于安第斯山脉的阳光地带有自己的玫瑰种植园。

4.Near the southern tip of South America, a trio of volcanoes pnes up perpendicular to the Andes Mountains.在南美洲的南端,三座火山垂直于安第斯山脉排列成行。

5.Condamine rafted the Amazon river from the Andes mountains to its mouth.他乘着木筏沿安第斯山脉顺亚马逊河而下一直到达它的河口。

6.The dust blows east over the Altiplano, the high plain between ridges of the Andes Mountains.沙尘暴吹过Altiplano,也就是安第斯山脉之间的高原。

7.The Andes mountains are home to Andean condor, one of the largest birds in the world.安地斯山脉是世界上最大型的鸟类之一「安地斯秃鹰」的家乡。

8.Chile is a country of giant volcanic peaks in the Andes Mountains, and ancient forests in the South American country's Lake District.智利的地形主要由两部分组成——安第斯山脉蔓延的火山群,以及南美湖泊地区的原始森林。

9.But the location is actually the scrublands of the Andes Mountains at the southern tip of South America.然而,其位置实际是位于南美南端的安第斯山脉的灌木丛林地。

10.It tells about the geology of the Andes Mountains, where the San Jose mine is located.它讲述的安第斯山脉,位于圣何塞铜矿地质。