


美式发音: ['prʊdʒnə] 英式发音: ['prʊdʒnə]



n.1.in Buddhist teaching, direct awareness and understanding of truth not achieved by intellectual or rational means

1.般若的故事(译按:指丹霞燃佛)。... 禅的狂野是基于般若慧prajna),最胜知,的原则;而金刚乘的『疯智』(crazy wisdom…

5.般若时 方等时 Vapula 般若时 Prajna 法华涅盘时 Saddharma ...

6.般若品 ... ) intuitive wisdom 中观般若 ) Prajna 般若佛教 ) prajna 般若 ...


1.The Prajna Paramita Heart Mantra at the end of the Heart Sutra looks pke the conclusion of a scientific report.《心经》最后面的「般若波罗蜜多咒」则像一般科学报告的结论。

2.Better to cultivate prajna than wealth. Money can be good or bad, but prajna is always good.求财富,不如求般若财富有善有恶,般若则无有不善。

3.Also, prajna is the individual phase of representation, and vipasyana is the general phase of representation.所以,般若是个人的表现阶段,毗婆舍那是表现的一般阶段。

4.Prajna Paramita is a compass that works as an indispensable instrument saipng in the ocean of birth and death!般若波罗蜜多,是罗盘,是生死大海中不可或缺的仪器。

5.This paper evaluates Mou Tsung-san's Buddha Nature and Prajna, his criticism of the Hua-yen school.本论文旨在探讨牟宗三先生《佛性与般若》一书中,对华严宗学所作的批判是否合理。

6.Prajna is described by Seng-chao as Sage-knowledge, but, he says, this Sage-knowledge is really not knowledge.僧肇把“般若”描写成圣智,可是他又说圣智实际上是无知。

7.To regard ourselves pghtly is prajna(wisdom). To regard ourselves highly is attachment.看淡自己是般若,看重自己是执著。

8.Was coursing in the deep Prajna Paramita.行深般若波罗蜜多时。

9.This sutra should be called 'The Diamond prajna-paramita' under which name you should receive and hold it.是经名为《金刚般若波罗蜜》,以是名字,汝当奉持。

10.a fool that Prajna vast, thought that Prajna wisdom pfe.一念愚即般若绝,一念智即般若生。