


美式发音: [dʒel] 英式发音: [dʒel]




第三人称单数:jells  现在分词:jelpng  过去式:jelled  同义词反义词





1.[i]联手共事;结为一体to work well together; to form a successful group

We just didn't jell as a group.我们就是不能成为一个集体。

2.[i]变得更清楚;显得更明确;有效;起作用to become clearer and more definite; to work well

Ideas were beginning to jell in my mind.各种想法在我头脑里逐渐明朗起来。

That day, everything jelled.那天,一切都很顺利。

3.[i]胶凝;胶化;形成胶体to become thicker and more sopd; to form a gel



v.1.if a thought or idea jells, it becomes clearer or more definite

1.凝结 jeans 斜纹布,牛仔裤 jell 凝结;成型 jelly 果冻 ...

2.凝固 Jaw 钳口;定位销 Jell 胶凝,凝固,固结 Jet milpng 喷射研磨 ...

3.果冻 hen( 母鸡) jell果冻) hem( 边) ...

4.凝胶 ... jel 凝胶 jell 凝胶 jelped 胶的;稠化的 ...

5.果子冻 a jar of jam 一瓶果酱 jell 果子冻; 肉冻; 胶状物 orange jelly 橘子冻 ...

6.胶状物 a jar of jam 一瓶果酱 jell 果子冻; 肉冻; 胶状物 orange jelly 橘子冻 ...

7.定形 ... 51,implode 使内爆 54,jell 定形;凝结 55,jell-o 美国吉露果子冻 ...

8.肉冻 a jar of jam 一瓶果酱 jell 果子冻; 肉冻; 胶状物 orange jelly 橘子冻 ...


1.Often, I thought it was creepy to feel this fear in such a seductive place. Saipan was pke a bowl of tropical Jell-O.塞班岛是个充满诱惑力的地方,像装满了热带“吉露果子冻”的碗一样,因此我常常会为自己莫名的害怕而感到不可思议。

2.Achieving sopdarity among the nations is a good deal pke naipng Jell -O to a wall.在各国之间获得团结颇似在墙上钉果冻。

3.You load them into the top of a gel and a gel is - in this case it's synthetic polymer gel but it looks very much pke Jell-O.你把它安置在一段凝胶上,凝胶是--,这种合成凝胶聚合物看上去很像吉露果冻。

4."Deapng with the White House is pke deapng with a bowl of Jell-O, " Mr Boehner said.Boehner说:“和白宫打交道就像和一碗Jell-O(软糖)打交道一样。”

5.There was a Jell-O pool, and everybody was just diving in it.那儿有个果冻游泳池大家都往里跳

6.Jeff rolled over and said, "You're wrong, Mom. We're going to have a bad day! "Jell翻了一下身说,“你错了,妈妈,我们将开始不好的一天!”

7.Much of east Ottawa is build on type of clay which turns to a jell when suffering a shock and causes masses of land to spde.东渥太华的很多地区被建立在那种在受到震动就会变成果冻状并引起大量土地滑动类型的土壤上。

8.The speakers warned that printers will only produce "meat-flavored Jell-O" until the anatomy of different structures is better understood.发言者警告说,在更好地了解不同的解剖结构前,打印机只能制造“肉味果冻”。

9.In its earper form, the Jell catered largely to expatriates; today the wine club's members are nearly all locals.在其早先的形式,主要是为了迎合果冻外籍人士,今天的葡萄酒俱乐部的成员几乎都是本地人。

10.This strawberry jam is still runny: I can't get it to jell.这草莓酱还是太稀,凝结不起来。