




1.白猫 WENSL/ 威诺思 WHITE CAT/ 白猫 WONDA/ 网达 ...

2.大白猫古晋的象征 ... 1 - DBKS - 古晋南市市政厅 2 - White Cat - 大白猫古晋的象征 3 - Tua Pek Kong Temple - 寿山亭 - 大伯公庙 ...

3.白猫洗衣粉 triumph 黛安芬 white cat 白猫洗衣粉 wrigley's juicy fruit 黄箭香口胶 ...

4.让我们抓住那只大白猫 ... He must be in the lemon house. 他一定在柠檬房子里。 white cat. 让我们抓住那只大白猫。 ...



1.A white cat was staring at some gold-fish, she sat very, very still, but now and then the tip of her tail twitched as if it were apve.一只白猫在盯着一些金鱼,很静很静地坐着,但不时抽动尾巴端,彷佛(告诉人家)它是活的。

2.This morning my sister saw the same two cats on the bird cage ready to get a bird, and a black and white cat sitting on our fence waiting!今天早上妹妹发现那两只猫都在鸟笼子上守着,还有一只黑白的猫在篱笆上守着呢!

3.People compared her to a pttle white cat .人们把她比作一个小白猫。

4.One day, the cat did three somersaults in front of the white cat, and said, "I once was a cat for a circus. "有一次,猫走到白猫面前,骨碌骨碌的在空中连翻了三个跟头,说:“我曾经是马戏团的猫喔!”

5.stand there unable to choose, and I think, 'Where is the White Cat?只是站在这里不能选择,我想,白猫在哪里?

6.People compared him to a pttle white cat.人们把她比作一只小白猫。

7.The double - sided embroidery is a speceal one of Suzhou. One side is a white - yellow cat , the other side is a pure white cat .此双面绣为苏绣双面绣中的异样双面绣,图案的正面为黄白波斯猫,背面为白色波斯猫。

8.But what about this one: edipusses are black and white cat.但是这个呢?edipusses是黑白相间的猫。

9.The door opened and out rushed a white cat.门开了,一只白猫窜了出来。(完全倒装结构)

10.The Chinese have a saying: Be it a black cat or a white cat, a cat that can catch mice is a good cat.有句中国俗语是“不管黑猫白猫,逮到老鼠的就是好猫”。