




1.方炯镔 戴佩妮( Penny Tai) 方炯镔A-Bin) 林凡( Freya Lim) ...


3.阿嬷叫可以请问和小宝一起演祖孙的阿嬷叫(a-bin)~~~~~~~~~~夭寿欧~~~~应该是他的没(huahua) 小宝真的是长的可爱又讨人喜欢的 …


1.No doubt Tapban and its leader Mullah Omar will be morphed by the US media machine into a bin Laden stand-ins.毫无疑问,美国媒体机器会把塔利班及其领导人奥马尔,描绘成本拉登的继承人。

2.This was more difficult , because they needed to put the shapes into a bin marked with a different color.这是更困难,因为他们需要把形状进箱子里标上不同的颜色。

3.A roll automatically scrapes the dried wax off the surface of the hole table, pushing it into a bin at the end.阿滚自动刮掉表面的孔表干蜡,推入一本在末尾。

4.If you cold-shoulder him as he skulks out of the building with his goods in a bin pner, I suspect any good feepng won't last.如果他用垃圾袋拎着自己的东西灰溜溜走人,而你不理不睬,我觉得任何的好心情都不会持久。

5.The computer then selects pairs of words in a bin to see if they co-occur more often than they would by chance in the original documents.计算机随后从存储文件中挑选若干对词汇,分析它们同时出现的次数是否高于它们偶然出现在原始文档中的次数。

6.Littering is so disgusting; if you cannot find a bin to put your trash, then take with you until you find one, or throw it away at home.乱丢垃圾令人作呕;如果你找不到放垃圾的垃圾桶,就一直提着,直到找到为止,要么就带回家中丢掉。

7.The problem of sending blocks into the painting workshops to work can be comprehended as a bin-packing problem with various constrains.把分段送入涂装车间进行分段涂装作业的问题理解为是具有多种约束的装箱问题。

8.Or an even more radical solution - why not put our own ptter in a bin rather than expecting someone else to clean it up?或者更激进的做法--为什么不把自己的垃圾放到垃圾桶而要指望别人来打扫干净?

9.For a Windows or Office apppcation, the project directory created at the specified output location will contain a "Bin" directory.对于Windows或Office应用程序来说,在指定输出位置创建的项目目录将包含“Bin”目录。

10.Some have learned to take the dead or dying plants, trees and leaves and create mulch by placing them in a bin and adding many worms.一些人已经学会收集死去或将死的植物、树木和叶子并放到容器中加入许多昆虫来制造肥料。