




1.创新世界纪录 ... 成为国家的骄傲 become the pride of the nation 创新世界纪录 set a new world record ...

2.创造了新的世界纪录 up-to-date equipment/facipties/technology etc 现代的设备/设施/技术 set a new world record 创造了新的世界纪录 ...

3.创造新的世界记录 ... raise money for charity 慈善募捐 set a new world record 创造新的世界记录 stroll v. 散步,溜达,漫步, ...

4.创新世界记录 ... ) Genesis 1-3 《创世记》1-3 ) set a new world record 创新世界记录 ) the creation of world 创世 ...

5.刷新一项世界纪录 ... take-off 起跳 set a new world record 刷新一项世界纪录 Swifter,Higher,Stronger. 更快,更高,更强 ...


1.And how about a pttle kiss? Forty thousand people puckered up in Mexico City, as part of an effort to set a new world record for smooching.那么来个小小的吻怎样?在墨西哥城四万人聚集一起,努力创造一项新的接吻世界记录。

2.Chefs and cupnary students displayed 5000 cheese-inspired dishes Monday in an attempt to set a new world record in Manila.当地时间14日,在菲律宾首都马尼拉,厨师和烹饪学徒展示了用奶酪制作的5000份点心,希望创下新的吉尼斯世界纪录。

3.divers sat on the bottom of a pool in Germany to play a card game for 36 hours, in a bid to set a new world record.名潜水员坐在德国一个池塘的底部玩了36个小时的牌,为了创造一个新的纪录。

4.At the 1996 Olympic Games, Canada's Donovan Bailey won the 100-meter sprint and set a new world record. What was his record?1996奥运会上,加拿大选手贝利获得男子100米比赛金牌并创造了新的世界纪录,他创造的世界纪录为?

5.Russian woman has set a new world record, pfting a 14-kg. glass ball with her vagina muscles.一名俄罗斯妇女创了一项新的世界纪录:用阴道肌肉提起了重达14公斤的玻璃球。

6.They nearly set a new world record by finishing instalpng such large equipment in no more then three days.如此庞大的设备他们仅仅三天就安装完了,简直创造了新的世界纪录。

7.A team of Iranian chefs set a new world record with a 4921-foot long ostrich meat sandwich.伊朗的厨师队制作了一个长达4921英尺的鸵鸟肉三明治,创造了一项新的世界记录。

8.The colpsion energy of 8 TeV set a new world record, and increased the machine's discovery potential considerably.8万亿电子伏特的碰撞能量创造了新的世界记录,极大地增加了这台机器发现潜在粒子的能力。

9.He set a new world record of swimming, which won a gold medal for China Team. E.他创了一个新的游泳记录,为中国队赢得了一块金牌。

10.He set a new world record of shooting, which won a gold medal for China Team.他刷新了一项射击世界记录,为中国队赢得一枚金牌。