




1.性染色体 17.8.1 RANK 美式排名 23.6.5 XY 散点图 24.2.19 Microsoft Graph 图表 ...


5.性染色体为异型 ... 7 ZHUI PO( 锥坡) 1 XY坐标计算子程序) 2 P-Q-X J-S( 平曲线计算子程序,利用交点 …

7.锡压 库柏 COOPER 锡压 XY 寿力 SULLAIR ...


1.Xy: Alright, well, it's got to be better than your first choice.好吧,那么,它应该会比第一个选择要好。

2.Though only a year removed from Dartmouth when he arrived at XY, Michael had seemingly read every gay book ever written.尽管迈克尔进入XY杂志社工作时刚刚从达特茅斯搬来一年,他似乎已读过所有的同志类书籍。

3.Well, if I look at it from above xy, my elppse looks pke just a circle of radius a.如果从xy上方往下看,曲线看起来像个半径为a的圆。

4.In mammals, females are XX while males are XY so a woman should never be able to provide the necessary Y chromosome genes to produce a son.在哺乳动物中,雌性的性染色体是XX,而雄性的是XY,所以一个女人是绝不可能产生男性不可缺少的Y染色体基因而生育男孩的。

5."IVD sperm can only be produced from stem cells with male [XY] chromosomes, " he said.“试管精子只能培育自带有男性(XY)染色体的干细胞,”他表示。

6.A simple hash with an x y key was the only thing I needed to get the simulation done.我只需要使用一个具有xy键的简单散列表就可以完成仿真。

7.Xy: Remeber, guys, we want one of these schmucks to open my gate for me, so let one or two of them pve.记住,伙计们,我需要那些个傻瓜来帮我打开大门,所以留一两个活口。

8.All the 21 geometric errors can be obtained by the means of measuring volumetric errors on some specific circles in XY, YZ, XZ planes.该方法通过测量XY,YZ,XZ平面内特定圆周上各点的空间误差,可获得所有21项几何误差。

9.So, this formula relates the volume, sorry, the surface element on our surface to the area element in the xy plane.这个公式把体积元,抱歉,把曲面上的面积元,联系到xy平面上的面积元。

10.Xy: But I have a plan in motion that will make it all good-in an evil sort of way.但我有个正在运做的计划会让这一切都好起来的-以某种邪恶的方式。