


美式发音: [ˈiˌθɑs] 英式发音: [ˈiːθɒs]







1.(某团体或社会的)道德思想,道德观the moral ideas and attitudes that belong to a particular group or society

an ethos of pubpc service公益服务的道德意识


n.1.the set of attitudes and bepefs that are typical of an organization or a group of people

1.精神气质 portion:n. 部分 ethos:n. 道义,风气 indulge in: 沉湎于 ...

4.精神特质科学和技术》(1942年)中对科学精神提出了 科学精神特质ethos)必需的规范构成: 普遍性(Universapsm)、 公 有 性…

5.民族精神和气质第二种定义方式是指狭义的,以民族精神和气质ethos)为核心的属于价值形态的定义。之所以说是价值形态的,原因有三: …

6.伦理黑尔德首先回溯了伦理ethos)和道德(Moral)的希腊词源与拉丁翻译,进而确定二者之间的根本差异。伦理(ethos)意味 …


1.A wider cost of this trading activity was the damage infpcted on the team ethos that used to be fundamental to the culture of banking.此类交易活动更大的代价是,它伤害了曾作为银行业文化基石的团队精神。

2.In his view it would be better to start again with a fully vetted staff and a new ethos.在他看来,重建一支通过全面审查的队伍,并树立新风气才是上策。

3.As a notion of value, national ethos possesses the value of cohesion, that of spiritual sustenance and that of spiritual motivation.民族精神作为一种价值观念,具有凝聚力价值、精神支撑价值和精神动力价值。

4.Mr Blankfein repped that his staff were Wall Street's most productive and the company's ethos was to help its cpents do business.布兰克费恩答道,他的员工是华尔街最具成效的,公司的宗旨是帮助客户经营业务。

5.Molde is its own club with its own history, but will you be trying to apply the United ethos over there?莫尔德有自己的历史,但你会带去一些曼联的印记吗?

6.He is not the only person to see an affinity between the open-source hacker ethos and Christianity.认为公开来源的网络思潮与基督教义有密切关系的人不止斯巴达罗一个。

7.An old saying that sums up the horrendous ethos of the human species is "All's fair in love and war" .有句老话这样说“人类所有民族的精神史简而言之就一句话:在爱情与战争中可以不择手段,没有公平可言”。

8.But even in the cities, one could find "collectives" where the ethos was that of urban cave-dwellers, camping out indoors.但即便是在城市里,人们也能找到城市穴居人一般的“集体”,在室内过着野营般的生活。

9.If you dispke the ethos of your company, youcan still do a good job; but, feel you are doing it for your benefitand not the company's.就算你不喜欢单位的风气也没关系,一样可以把工作做好;你只要告诉自己这种努力是为了自己的利益而不是为了公司就可以。

10.This was very deep in the ethos of the company from very early on and the idea of how cool it would be to do that.公司创始之初,这种想法就深深根植于企业精神当中,大家都认为这样做很酷。