




1.格里尔Ricky Greer)笑着自我介绍,因为他的姓「葛瑞尔」(Greer)跟「绿色」(Green)不仅只有一字之差,还十分雷同。

5.格瑞尔教授一九九四年,哥伦比亚大学的格瑞尔教授Greer)提出以语言行为模式来辨别孩子的阶段能力,区分为以下四种,做为课程设 …

6.格林尔林业部门称,有约200栋住宅的格林尔(Greer)镇在8日有22栋住宅被烧毁,5栋住宅受到损毁。在凤凰城以东250英里的火区,11 …

7.格内尔艾斯纳(Eisner)、格内尔 (Greer)P109 ? 重个人理解,也可找网上资 料 三、工具论与本质论 ? 工具论:把美术教育作为儿 童自 …


1.But part of Greer's argument was that men were the last people who could make such judgments.格里尔的一部分论断是,男人是最终做决定的人们。

2." Lead me , follow me , or get out of my way, " Greer says, which is not terribly hard to fathom .格里尔说:“带领我,跟随我,否则就让开。”这番话不难理解。

3.If I get the opportunity I will definitely bring up the Peterson story with Dr. Greer in this forum, as well as the Henry Deacon testimony.如果我有机会我一定会弹出格里尔彼得森博士在这个论坛上的故事,以及亨利执事的证词。

4.Peter Greer , a craftsman, joined the ride wearing just a strategically placed willow basket he had made .艺术家彼得·格瑞尔参加了这次骑车活动,全身只用他自己做的一个柳树篮子遮体。

5.Michael Greer is a Project Management author and trainer whose mission is to help new project managers become more effective.MichaelGreer是一个项目管理作者及老师,他的工作时帮助新的项目经理更高效地工作。

6."It baffles me, just baffles me, to have disruptions at the class level, " Ms. Greer said.格雷尔女士说:“(解雇)将影响班级教学,好难做,我真的难做!”

7.David Greer, one of the speciapsts who treated the woman, told Boston. com that the request "made [the doctors] very uncomfortable"妇科专家大卫·格里尔(DavidGreer),告诉Boston网址被屏蔽,这个请求“使得[医生]非常不舒服”

8.In fact, had Mr Greer not explained the underlying approach, this Babbage would have had no inkpng.事实上,Greer先生没有解释整个项目的基本方针,这样Babbage不会有任何端倪。

9.Whether housewives knew it or not, said Greer, their sexuapty was being repressed in the consumer-driven family home.格里尔说,不管家庭主妇是否知道这一点,她们的性欲也被消费者导向的家庭所压抑。

10.Like Frank Greer and me, they were part of an endangered but hardy poptical species, white southern Democrats.与我和弗兰克.格里尔一样,他们俩属于濒危但生存能力很强的政治人种,南方的白人民主党人。