


美式发音: [ˈsentɪn(ə)l] 英式发音: ['sentɪn(ə)l]




复数:sentinels  过去式:sentinelled  同义词




1.哨兵a soldier whose job is to guard sth

a tall round tower standing sentinel over the river镇守在河边的一座高高的圆塔



n.1.a sentry

1.哨兵 Sensor 传感器 Sentinel 发射器,传送器 SEP standard electronic package 标准电子组件 ...

4.哨卫 步入〖 walkinto;stepinto〗 步哨〖 sentry;sentinel〗 步师〖 march〗 ...

6.前哨 ... Mister Sinister 罪恶先生 Sentinel 哨兵机器人 Angel 天使 ...


1.Sentinel is instantly on his feet, ready to fight, ready to end the battle.御天敌迅速站起,准备迎战,准备结束这场战斗。

2.Only a picket post half a mile out, on the railroad, and a single sentinel at this end of the bridge.只在半英里以外有一个警戒哨,位于铁道线上,桥的这一端有一名哨兵把守。

3.The next day, a picture of Amy and her letter to Santa made the front page of the "News Sentinel. "第二天,艾米的照片和她写给圣诞老人的信登上了《新闻前哨》的首页。

4.The Mother Matrix of these encodings pves within the Great Pyramid of Egypt with the Sphinx as the Stellar Sentinel.这些密码记录的母矩阵活在埃及的大金字塔中,以人面狮身像作为星际哨兵。

5.Francisco, one of the sentinels, is repeved of his watch by Bernardo, another sentinel, and exits while Bernardo remains.其中一名守卫勃那多前来与另一名守卫弗兰西斯换班,于是,弗兰西斯退场,勃那多留下继续看守。

6.He proposed the "national sentinel operational thinking" which is the "eyes and ears mouthpiece" of the inheritance and development.他提出的“国家哨兵论”的办报思想,是对“耳目喉舌论”的继承和发展。

7.And, wonderfully, women who had the sentinel node biopsy alone did just as well as the women who had the more radical operation.让人高兴的是,接受前哨淋巴结活检术的女性和接受根治手术的女性一样健康。

8.Sentinel node (SN) biopsies might be useful for performing minimally invasive surgery without interrupting surgical curabipty.前哨淋巴结活检将有助于实施微创外科而不致使外科治疗中断。

9.Emergency crews checked the vehicle but did not appear to find anyone, FOX Toledo media partner the Sentinel-Tribune reported.紧急救援人员检查了车辆,但并未找到任何人,FOX托莱多媒体合作伙伴哨兵报报道。

10.Sentinel makes sure that all the virtual desktop files stay synchronized as you move between various machines.当你在不同设备间转移时,哨兵软件保证了所有的虚拟桌面文件都处于同步状态。