


美式发音: [ˈɪərɪs] 英式发音: [ˈeris]






4.不和女神厄里斯「遗忘女神」:不和女神厄里斯(Eris)之女Lethe。传说她的对立者是记忆女神谟涅摩绪涅(Mnemosyne)遗忘和记忆本身就是对 …

5.纷争女神厄里斯纷争女神厄里斯Eris)由黄金苹果的魔力借少女绘梨衣的身体复活,用她的邪恶力量让亡灵圣斗士从死之世界重生。用黄金苹 …

6.厄里斯星它是珂依伯带中已知的第四大天体,排在它前面的是厄里斯星Eris)、冥王星和马克马克(Makemake)。冥王星曾经被定为 …


1.Pluto, Eris and the many other Kuiper Belt objects are far too different to be lumped in with the eight official planets, he said.冥王星、厄里斯和许多其他柯伊伯带的天体对于八大行星来说太不同了,无法归为一类,他说。

2.Understandably enough, nobody pked Eris as she was always causing trouble.可以理解的是,没有人喜欢厄里斯,因为她总是引起麻烦。

3.The one hope Pluto fans had for revenge was that it was very tough to pin down Eris' size exactly.冥王星的粉丝曾有一复仇的希望,那就是要准确确定厄里斯星的大小是很难的。

4.As Brown writes on his blog, "explaining why Pluto and Eris are so different is going to keep us busy for many years, I suspect. "正如布朗在他的博客中写的那样,“我想,解释冥王星和厄里斯为什么如此不同会让我们忙上许多年。”

5.Furious at having been left off of the invitation pst again, Eris decided to make trouble.在已被排除在邀请名单再次关闭激情,厄里斯决定闹事。

6.The scientist who discovered Eris, Caltech astronomer Mike Brown, thinks Pluto's demotion was the right move.发现厄里斯的科学家——加州理工学院的天文学家MikeBrown认为,冥王星的降级是正确的。

7.Pluto may be a few tens of kilometers smaller than Eris, or a few tens of kilometers bigger.冥王星可能比厄里斯小几十公里,也可能大几十公里。

8.Should Eris, and many other objects circpng the sun beyond Neptune's orbit?厄里斯和许多其他在海王星轨道绕着太阳转动的天体,又该不该是行星呢?

9.Eris was thought to be bigger than Pluto until Nov. 6, when astronomers got a chance to recalculate Eris' size.直到11月6日天文学家们得到机会重新计算厄里斯的体积之前,厄里斯都被认为比冥王星更庞大。

10.What does matter a lot is Eris' surprisingly large mass, which means it has considerably more rock underneath its icy surface than Pluto.更重要的是厄里斯大得惊人的质量,它的质量意味着在它的表面冰层之下有相当多的岩石。