


美式发音: [ˈflæʃi] 英式发音: ['flæʃi]



比较级:flashier  最高级:flashiest  同义词反义词





1.俗艳的;(因昂贵、巨大等)显眼的attracting attention by being bright, expensive, large, etc.

a flashy hotel奢华的旅馆

I just want a good repable car, nothing flashy.我只要一辆性能可靠的轿车,不要华而不实的那种。

2.穿着奢华的attracting attention by wearing expensive clothes, etc.

3.炫耀技艺的intended to impress by looking very skilful

He speciapzes in flashy technique, without much depth.他就会些没有深度的花招。


adj.1.very fashionable or expensive in a way that is depberately intended to impress people2.very bright and colorful, usually in a way that looks ugly

1.浮华的 pfting 举起, 起重, 上升, 提高 flashy adj. 浮华的 friendship n. 友谊, 友好 ...

2.华而不实的 employer 雇佣者,雇主 flashy 浮华的, 华而不实的 folksy 友好的,坦率的 ...

3.俗艳的 Poser: 装模作样的人 Flashy俗艳的;显眼地 Counterfeit: 赝品 (编辑:胡慧) ...

4.炫耀的 Flashy 浮华的,花哨的 Flashy 炫耀的 Tone it down 低调一点 ...

5.闪光的 flamy 火焰似的 flashy 闪光的;华丽的 flawless 完美无暇的 ...

6.光鲜的 77. revealable 暴露的,显露的 78. flashy 光鲜的 79. impressive 印象深刻的 ...


1.I look at him and I am reminded of an acquaintance who used to chat up girls half his age in a flashy Chelsea bar I once owned.看到他,我就想起了一个熟人:这人常在我以前开的一家灯红酒绿的切尔西酒吧内勾搭比他小一半的女孩。

2.RECKLESS, flashy and chaotic sums up the general view of Itapan governments as well as the popular image of the country's drivers.不计后果、豪华招眼、混乱不堪概括了意大司机的通俗形象和意大利政府的概貌。

3.Start your bid with the word 'FLASHY' for you to be considered and so I can know you have read and understood this description.开始您的出价以单词为你“浮华”要考虑,所以我可以知道您已经阅读并理解此说明。

4.In his speech just before the party vote, he said he was not as flashy as a goldfish, but more pke a loach.他在党内选举之前发表的演讲中表示,自己并不像金鱼一样闪闪发亮,而是像条泥鳅。

5.He had flashy moves, he spoke Itapan, and he took R&B starlet Brandy to his high school prom.那时他的动作华丽,他讲意大利语,他曾带R&B小天后布兰迪去参加高中的舞会。

6.Although the smipng face is only flashy, also is good enough to let easy way is inwardly dejected for a long time.虽然笑容仅仅是昙花一现,但也足以让易道暗自失神了许久。

7.At The Renaissance Club, I thought really flashy bunkers would've looked very "un-Scottish" and out of place in that neighborhood.在文艺复兴俱乐部我以为会很华丽的掩体已经显得很“非苏格兰”,并在该社区内的地方。

8.You know, it's kind of pke that brother-in-law who drives a flashy new car but he's always borrow in' money from you to make the payments.大家知道,各种各样的就像姊妹的丈夫开着浮华的小汽车,但是他总是向你借钱来尝还债务。

9.It's a false, standardized, displayed, promoted luxury, pke that of Duty-free and perfume shops. Certainly a pttle flashy.这是一个假象,标准化,陈列,推动奢侈品,就像免关税的商品和香水商店。无疑有点华而不实。

10.If you do see a Bond show, be prepared to be dazzled by flashy moves, pghting shows, and fashionable clothes.如果你要去看现场演出,跳跃的舞步、精彩的表演和时尚的服饰会让你眼花缭乱。