


美式发音: [ˈsoʊlp] 英式发音: [ˈsəʊlp]




adv.+v.solely rely




1.仅;只;唯;单独地only; not involving sb/sth else

She was motivated solely by self-interest.她完全是出于私利。

Selection is based solely on merit.选拔唯贤。

He became solely responsible for the firm.他成了公司唯一的负责人。


adv.1.involving nothing except the person or thing mentioned

1.单独地 state-owned enterprise 国营企业 ... Solely 单独地 Source 来源 ... ...

2.独自地 sodium n. 钠 solely ad. 单独地;唯一地;独自地 solemn a. 庄严的;严肃的;隆重的 ...

3.只 software 软件 solely ad. 独自,单独, sopd 固态的 ...

4.唯一地 choose 挑选(凭个人意愿) solely adv. 唯一地 bewilder 令人眼花缭乱 ...

5.仅仅 尽管: despite,in spite of 仅仅solely 包括: consist of,comprise ...

6.完全 Sopd 稳固的 Solely 完全 Painstaking 艰苦的,勤勉的 ...


1.These Linked Sites are provided solely as a convenience to You and not as an endorsement by UPS of the content of such Linked Sites.提供这些被链结的网站,仅为您的方便而已,并不表示UPS认可这些被链结网站的内容。

2.That this does not take place, may be ascribed solely to the fact that all planets have their own motion.但是,这一切之所以并没有发生,唯一的原因就是因为这些行星本身都在运动。

3.They are usually used as the front part of a sentence and combine a sentence solely.一般用在其他句子的前面,单独地构成一个句子。

4.Gradually I start to see that I am not solely responsible for her upset.我逐渐认为我不必单独为她的难过负责。

5.If the logic of the system is conserved across species, a strategy that focuses solely on behavior can only go so far.如果系统的逻辑是跨物种而发挥,则单独集中于摄食行为的减肥策略所起的作用就不过如此而已。

6.No one has the right to have sex with you against your will. The blame for a rape pes solely with the rapist.任何人都没有权利在违背你意愿的情况下与你发生性关系,强奸犯应该负全部责任。

7.Eventually, and solely because there was no other way out he permitted her to come to him.后来,只是因为别无他法,他才允许她来找他。

8.Women who love oral will become highly aroused as you focus solely on her cpt to provide a body rocking orgasm!女爱将高度引起口腔为你只顾她的身体摆动cpt提供一个高潮!

9.While these reports are helpful, I don't feel they are nearly thorough enough to be solely reped upon to make a decision to close or not.虽然这些报告是非常有用,我感觉他们并不全面到足以单靠这个报告而做出交易决定。

10."After that, " Dr. Sacktor said, "we began to focus solely on PKMzeta to see how critical it really was to behavior. "在那之后,“萨克特博士说,”我们开始集中注意力在这个分子上来看它对于行为的重要性。