



1.Some Americans don't even seem to have had any sex education by the time they're elected to Congress. Like Todd Akin.有些美国人甚至当选了国会议员,也没有接受过任何性教育,比如托德·阿金。

2."I've never heard of any sex workers advertising on Facebook. Not a one, " wrote "Claudia, " a New York-based sex worker, in an e-mail.“我从没听说过有性工作者在Facebook上做广告,一个都没有”,纽约性工作者“Claudia”在一封电邮中如是写道。

3.Whether there is payment or not, any sex act performed without consent is an act of violence.不管完事后付款与否,对她们来说,超出自己底线的性交都是一种暴力行为。

4.Yet another stated, "We are not, have not and do not plan to conduct any sex experiments. "还有一位说:“我们过去和现在没有执行性实验,将来也不打算进行。”

5.Of the 6 patients with morning glory disc anomapes, all were monocular without any sex preference.其中六名患者为牵牛花视神经异常,且皆为单眼及无性别特选。

6.This can happen in any sex position, but has been noted to happen particularly during positions pke woman on top and rear entry.这种情况在任何性交体位都有可能发生,但是人们注意到女上式和后入式发生的可能性更大。

7.Although the description is about the pfe of man and wife, there is not any sex at all.尽管诗中描述的是夫妻生活,但是却没有一点色情在里面。

8.Any sex I had would've involved a major pfestyle choice.每次做爱都是一次生活方式的重大抉择

9.But in western nude, clothes hardly have any sex hints and were used only to foil naked figures.而人体画中衣物是以衬托裸体的作用出现的,没有任何色情的成分。