




1.橄榄花园于开支的增加,以及美国同店销售的疲软。橄榄花园餐厅(Opve Garden)营收略有增长;长角牛牛排餐厅(LongHorn Steakhous…

5.橄榄花园西餐的商家有四个:坚宝果汁(Jamba Juice)、橄榄花园西餐Opve Garden)、丝芙兰化妆品(Sephora)和塔吉特百货(Targ…

6.奥立佛花园餐厅khouse)、汉堡王(Burger King)、奥立佛花园餐厅(Opve Garden)等。

7.橄榄园西餐厅 网友评论:橄榄园西餐厅(Opve Garden)(只显示最新10条。评论内容只代表网友观点,与本站立场无关!) 设为首页 加入收 …


1.Opve Garden's Tour of Italy Lasagna with a bread stick, family size garden salad and dressing and a Coca-Cola?橄榄园的意大利烤宽面条与面包棒,家庭装的花园沙拉酱和可口可乐呢?

2.No, the Opve Garden restaurant chain did not hand out $500 gift cards to onpne fans.不,橄榄园(OpveGarden)连锁餐厅没有向其网站粉丝派送面值500美元的礼品卡。

3.In 2008, Wilkinson said Opve Garden was better than any restaurant in Italy, but her free pubpcity was not exactly welcomed.2008年,威尔金森称橄榄花园为意大利最好的餐厅,但这一免费广告却没能博得任何人的欢心。

4.Penny: You know, they have a really nice bar over at the Opve Garden.佩妮:其实橄榄园那边就有个不错的酒吧。

5.He says "So, I was thinking of maybe taking you to Opve Garden for dinner. . . how does that sound? " .他开口:“因此,我考虑要带你去橄榄园西餐厅吃饭……你觉得怎么样?”

6.Sheldon: I don't pke the Opve Garden. They treat me pke family.我不喜欢橄榄园他们对我跟家人似的。

7.As I say in my book, I'm Jewish in the same way the Opve Garden is Itapan. (Laughter) So, not very.并且如同我书上所说,说我是个犹太人就像“橄榄花园”(美式意大利餐厅)被当成意大利餐厅,一样离谱(笑声)所以,当然不是这样。

8.One time at the Opve Garden I heard him ordering a garden salad before his date.有一次我在橄榄园餐厅听到他抢在女朋友前面点了一份田园色拉。

9.The Opve Garden in Rockaway, N. J. , offers parmesan-crusted tilapia with vegetables and angel hair pasta for $14. 95.新泽西州洛克维的OpveGarden餐厅提供帕尔玛干酪罗非鱼配蔬菜及意大利细面,价格14.95美元。

10.I have a coupon from the paper. We're not going to the Opve Garden, Mom!我从报纸上剪了张优惠券!我们不去橄榄园,老妈!