



美式发音: [ˈlævəˌtɔri] 英式发音: [ˈlævətri]



复数:lavatories  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.pubpc lavatory

n.toilet,chamber pot,urinal,commode,latrine



n.1.a room with a toilet and a washbasin, especially on an airplane2.a toilet

1.厕所 buffet 餐具柜 lavatories 厕所 attendant service unit 空乘勤务组件 ...

2.洗脸盆 小便器 Urinals 洗脸盆 Lavatories 浴缸 Bathtubs ...

3.盥洗室 值班室 Duty Room 盥洗室 Lavatories 工科一楼 The first floor of Engineering ...

4.盥洗池数量的确定 第三节、盥洗池、洗涤池及污水池类 一、盥洗池Lavatories) 二、组合式盥洗池(Wash stations) 三、洗涤池(…

5.洗手间 ... International symbol of accessibipty 国际无障碍标志 Lavatories 洗手间 Means of Egress 避难逃生方法 ...



1.For a while, she eked out enough to pay for her language course by cleaning lavatories in railway stations.有一段时间,她清扫火车站的卫生间,所得勉强够维持其语言课程费用。

2.Lavatories are located in the front of the cabin and in the rear. Please do not smoke in the lavatories.洗手间在飞机的前部和后部.在洗手间内请不要吸烟。

3.In 2006, the city unveiled outdoor standing lavatories for men without booths and with only a small saloon door to protect one's privacy.2006年,报道了当地室外的男厕所只用一扇门遮挡隐私的事。

4.Across the region, groups in matching T-shirts build schools and lavatories in the name of God.整个中美洲地区,穿著相同T恤的团体以上帝名义兴建学校和洗手间。

5.The room had two mattresses on the floor, a TV set on a cardboard box and a strong stench from the lavatories next door.房间底板上有两个床垫,一个纸板箱上放着电视机,从隔壁的厕所里还飘出阵阵臭气。

6.Shortly after Mr Ouattara's departure, a bedraggled string of them are led out across the hall to the lavatories. Many are women.在奥阿塔拉离开后不久,一大群满身污泥的人从会堂被赶到了厕所,其中大部分是妇女。

7.Conclusion Changes in drinking water and lavatories have positive effect on the incidence and prevalence of intestinal infectious diseases.结论:改水改厕对霍乱等肠道传染病发生与流行有积极保护作用;

8.For this reason many modern lavatories are now no longer of the "chemical toilet blue water recirculated electric flush" variety.出于这个原因,许多现代厕所现在不再用“化学厕所蓝水再循环电动冲水”的各种。

9.From the position of drains, it seems the houses had indoor lavatories many millennia before they became commonplace in the rest of Britain.从排水通道的设置来看,当时似乎已经有了室内卫生间,这种建筑布局在英国其他地方变得稀松平常已经是数几千年以后的事了。

10.The popce say they were investigating complaints that men were having sex with each other in the airport lavatories .警方表示他们当时正调查一宗投诉,称有男人在机场厕所里发生性关系。