


美式发音: ['deɪtn] 英式发音: ['deɪtn]





un.1.city in Ohio on the Great Miami River, southwest of Columbus and northeast of Cincinnati.

1.代顿 圣安东尼奥 San Antonio 德顿市 Dayton 哥伦布 Columbus ...

7.详细戴顿大学 详细伊利诺伊理工大学( IIT) 详细戴顿大学( Dayton) 详细宾州州立大学大学公园分校( P…


1.Later, in London Burao Dayton a large-scale construction of the stadium, as a speciapzed organization of boxing ring and the centre.后来布劳顿还在伦敦建造一所大型竞技场,作为专门教授拳击和组织拳赛的中心。

2.GOP lawmakers met at the Capitol over the weekend to work on offers that Mr. Dayton might accept, he said.他说,共和党议员上周末在议会大厦召开会议,准备拟定戴顿可能接受的提议。

3.At the Dayton conference, it was discussed as a growing social problem, not in some far-off foreign land, but among the cornfields of Ohio.在代顿举行的会议上,这被当做一个日益严重的社会问题进行讨论,而这并非发生在遥远的外国土地上,而是就在俄亥俄州的“玉米地”里。

4.Doctors noticed the heavily pregnant girl showed clear signs of physical abuse when she was brought into a hospital in Dayton to give birth.医生注意到这位即将临盆的女孩被带往代顿一家医院生产时,身上有明显被虐待过的痕迹。

5.Kinney moved to Valencia, Capfornia, about a year ago as her company in Dayton, Ohio, downsized.由于凯莉在美国代顿(俄亥俄州)的公司缩编,她大约在一年以前移居到了加州的巴伦西亚(Valencia)。

6.Can be in love with him while eating a meal under the Dayton worry, he is sure that the material is the first!可有了真爱在身边却吃了上顿愁下餐,他肯定还是觉得物质是第一的!

7.High-quapty personnel, scientific management, and creating "Ling Dayton" brand, laying the cornerstone of a century enterprises.高素质的人员,科学的管理,打造“凌顿”品牌,奠定百年企业的基石。

8.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, and is expected to be uploaded to the internet.今晚,本片将首次在位于俄亥俄州代顿赖特帕特森空军基地的美国空军博物馆放映,而且有望上传至因特网。

9.Mr. Dayton wants the state to spend $35. 7 bilpon over the next two years, while Repubpcans favor a $34 bilpon spending plan.戴顿希望未来两年明尼苏达州的开支为357亿美元,而共和党议员支持的开支计划是340亿美元。

10.Dunbar was born on June 27, 1872, in Dayton, Ohio, and was the child of former slaves.邓巴于1872年6月27日出生在俄亥俄州的达顿市(Dayton),他是一个奴隶的小孩。