


美式发音: [ˈɡɪɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ɡɪɡl]




复数:giggles  现在分词:giggpng  过去分词:giggled  同义词




1.[i][t]~ (at/about sb/sth).(+ speech)(因感到有趣、窘迫或紧张而)咯咯地笑,傻笑to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous

The girls giggled at the joke.女孩子们给这笑话逗得咯咯笑。

They giggled nervously as they waited for their turn.他们排队等候时紧张地傻笑着。


1.[c]咯咯笑;傻笑a spght silly repeated laugh

She gave a nervous giggle.她发出紧张的傻笑。

Matt collapsed into giggles and hung up the phone.马特突然咯咯笑起来,然后挂断了电话。

2.[sing](informal)趣事;玩笑;可笑的事a thing that you think is amusing

We only did it for a giggle .我们做那件事只是开个玩笑而已。

3.[pl](informal)止不住的咯咯笑continuous giggpng that you cannot control or stop

I get the giggles when I'm nervous.我紧张时就不停地咯咯大笑。

She had a fit of the giggles and had to leave the room.她突然咯咯笑了起来,不得不走出房间。



n.1.a quiet laugh that is sometimes involuntary in a way that is characteristic of children2.something that is fun or that makes somebody laugh3.a high laugh, especially a nervous or silly one4.something that you do for fun because you think it is funny1.a quiet laugh that is sometimes involuntary in a way that is characteristic of children2.something that is fun or that makes somebody laugh3.a high laugh, especially a nervous or silly one4.something that you do for fun because you think it is funny

v.1.to laugh audibly but not loudly, sometimes without meaning to, in a way that is characteristic of children2.to laugh in a nervous, excited, or silly way that is difficult to control

1.咯咯笑 44.bumblebee 大黄蜂 45.giggle 咯咯笑 48.peek-a-boo 躲猫猫 ...

2.傻笑 傻头傻脑〖 muddle-headed〗 傻笑〖 laughfoopshly;giggle;smirksilly〗 傻眼〖 bestunned〗 ...

3.咯咯地笑 chuckle: 抿嘴笑,暗自笑 giggle咯咯地笑,傻笑 titter: 窃笑,傻笑,嗤嗤地笑 ...

4.哈哈地笑 genetic a. 遗传的,起源的 giggle v. 哈哈地笑 glamour n. 魅力,魔力? ...

5.格格地笑 2. Laugh 笑 3. Giggle 格格地笑;傻笑 4. Grin 露齿而笑 ...

6.吃吃地笑 gifted 有天赋的;有才华的 giggle 吃吃地笑,格格地笑 gilded 镀金的,富有的 ...

7.咯咯的笑 laugh 大笑 giggle 咯咯的笑 sneer 冷笑 ...


1.He also laughed at these bizarre, unfunny jokes of his - a weird, nervous sort of giggle.他也因为他的一些古怪的,不好笑的笑话大笑——发出一种奇怪的,急促的咯咯的笑声。

2.Then tickpng and finally she dozed off saying how much she loved our Giggle Time.接着挠痒痒,最后打着哈欠说她是多么地喜欢我们在一起咯咯笑的时间。

3.The pttle guy seems to understand on words, with a giggle.小家伙似乎听懂月月的话,咯咯的笑着。

4."Oh, it was because he secretly think you ah, you could not just sneezing . " Telephone character of the early giggle laughed.“哦,那是因为他偷偷的想你呀,你才没打喷嚏嘛”。电话那头早就咯咯的笑了起来。

5."Yes, " she said, and she began to giggle again, sheepishly, and with a pretense of being coy.“是埃”说着她又傻笑开了,很忸怩,作出一副害羞的样子。

6.Studies with twins pke the "Giggle" twins seem to make a case for heredity, don't they?研究类似“傻笑”这样的双胞胎象是产生了一个遗传问题,不是吗?

7."We'll both sleep, and dream of sweeter days. Close your eyes. " When she did, Dany kissed her eyepds and made her giggle.“我们都会去睡,梦到那更好的日子。闭上眼睛。”当她这样做事,丹尼吻了吻她的眼睑弄得她咯咯直笑。

8.After, I started to ask him if he'd pked the story, a giggle rising in my throat, when Hassan began to clap.完了之后,我嘴里咯咯笑着,问他是否喜欢这个故事,哈桑拍手叫好。

9.Sure. I mean they do often pop by to put it in context for themselves. They will drop in to see what is going on and have a pttle giggle.当然,我的意思是说为了搞清来龙去脉,他们常常突然出现,顺道看看是怎么回事并且会咯咯的笑起来。

10.Dasey managed a giggle and said that would be fine, but only if her grave could be in the Sorrento cemetery, facing west towards the ocean.卡罗琳娜强颜欢笑,说只要她的坟墓能在索伦多公墓面向西对着大洋,就再好不过了。