




1.西布曲明方减肥药「诺美婷」(Reductil)内含的成份「西部曲明」(sibutramine),经欧美研究发现,的确会提高心脏病突发和中风 …

5.减肥药诺美婷者王昶闵/台北报导〕研究发现,「诺美婷」这类含有「西步曲明」(Sibutramine)成分的减肥药(见图,资料照,记者黄 …


1.Even more disappointing was the small difference in weight loss between the placebo group and the group that received sibutramine.更令人感到悲观的是服用安慰剂组病人与服用西布曲明组病人减重后那细小的差别。

2.People on sibutramine lost about 10 pounds more in a year than those taking a placebo, according to a study review.一项研究结果表明,服用西布曲明一年能够比服用安慰剂多减掉10磅的体重。

3.Sibutramine is one of a group of medicines called appetite suppressants .西布曲明胶囊是一种抑制食欲的药物。

4.Furthermore, the salt derivative of the optically pure Sibutramine prepared by the invention can expand Sibutramine apppcation scope.此外,本发明所制得的光学纯西布曲明衍生盐,可以扩展西布曲明的适用范围。

5.Sibutramine is an appetite suppressant with side effects including elevated blood pressure and heart rate.能抑制食欲,但有副作用,会引致血压上升及心跳加速。

6.It also suggests that healthcare professionals should regularly monitor blood pressure and heart rate in patients taking sibutramine.同时建议卫生保健专家们经常测量服用西布曲明的病人的血压和心率。

7.RESULTS Among the 15 tested samples, 13 samples contained sibutramine hydrochloride.结果抽取的15种样品中,有13种检出了盐酸西布曲明。

8.The drug label already warned against the use of sibutramine in patients with cardiovascular disease.事实上,该药的标签上已经警告此药不应用于心脏血管疾病患者。

9.The inclusion of sibutramine in these products, however, might pose an even greater hazard.然而,从这些产品中的西布曲明所得出的结论来看,这或许会造成更深远的危害。

10.At present in China's psted chemicals spmming products is mainly fenfluramine hydrochloride, in addition to sibutramine, orpstat.目前在我国上市的减肥药的化学药品主要就是盐酸芬氟拉明,此外,还有西布曲明、奥利司他。