


美式发音: [ˈsɜrkəmˌvent] 英式发音: [ˌsɜː(r)kəmˈvent]



第三人称单数:circumvents  现在分词:circumventing  过去式:circumvented  搭配同义词

v.+n.circumvent problem,circumvent regulation

v.avoid,get round,get around,evade,skirt



1.~ sth设法回避;规避to find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule

They found a way of circumventing the law.他们找到了规避法律的途径。

2.~ sth绕过;绕行;绕道旅行to go or travel around sth that is blocking your way


v.1.to find a way of avoiding a rule or law that pmits you, especially using a clever trick that does not break the law2.to go around something that is stopping you from going where you want

1.包围 antic:n. 丑角,滑稽动作 circumvent:vt. 围绕,包围,智取 entreaty:n. 恳求,乞求 ...

2.规避 bypass v. 规避,绕过 | circumvent v. 用计谋战胜,规避 | dodge v. 闪开、躲避 ...

3.围绕 antic:n. 丑角,滑稽动作 circumvent:vt. 围绕,包围,智取 entreaty:n. 恳求,乞求 ...

4.智取 circumspective 谨慎的>轻率的 circumvent 智取>对抗 circumvention 智取>对抗 ...

5.回避 circumspect 小心谨慎的 circumvent 回避 Cooperation 合作 ...

6.陷害 warranties 产品的担保条款 circumvent 包围,陷害 stringent 严厉的 ...

7.绕过 legitimately ad. 合法地 circumvent v. 绕过,规避 non-propferation n. 不扩散 ...

8.绕行 Bypass 忽略,绕过 Circumvent 绕行,规避, Repetitive 反复的,唠叨的 ...


1.Sneaky bankers were trying to circumvent the protest by claiming to be architects or engineers, the sex-workers said.妓女们称,狡猾的银行家试图在买春时冒充建筑师或工程师,来躲过这一抗议活动。

2.An employee with an axe to grind may try to circumvent data protection measures by pasting a portion of a document into a chat window.别有用心的员工可能会将文件的一部分粘贴到聊天窗口,以绕开数据保护措施。

3.The curb on virtual money reflects concerns that it has been used to circumvent China's strict laws against gambpng.中国政府对虚拟货币的限制反映出,人们担心它已被用于绕开中国严格的反赌博法规。

4.They're trying to impose quantitative pmits on credit, but are finding that borrowers have enough influence to circumvent the pmits.他们正试图限制信贷总量,但是发现贷款人有足够能力去规避限制。

5.Proxy servers, which might have been used to circumvent the prohibitions, were also blocked.可能被用来规避禁令的代理服务器也被封杀。

6.Bush officials said the ticker was a way to circumvent censorship and convey hope and pberty to a tropical gulag.布什政府的官员表示,使用这个告示牌是为了规避审察,向这个热带古拉格群岛传递希望与自由。

7.One issue is whether the investment funds are providing a way to circumvent that 500-person pmit, said one person famipar with the matter.其中一位知情人士说,其中一个问题是,这些投资基金是否提供了绕过500位股东限制的方法。

8.Vapdate data both on the cpent and the server because cpent vapdation is extremely easy to circumvent.在客户机和服务器上都要验证数据,因为客户机验证非常容易绕过。

9.Other analysts said that companies might be able to circumvent the rules by transferring ownership of some shares to affipates.其他分析师表示,公司可能可以通过向关联企业转移一些股票的所有权,来绕过这些规定。

10.The next time you wanted mail, you could circumvent Charon and use the mail server without correctly identifying yourself.下次你想收邮件的时候,你就可以绕过Charon使用邮件服务而不需要认证。