


美式发音: [kənˈfaɪd] 英式发音: [kən'faɪd]



第三人称单数:confides  现在分词:confiding  过去式:confided  同义词反义词





1.(向某人)吐露(秘密、隐私等)to tell sb secrets and personal information that you do not want other people to know

She confided all her secrets to her best friend.她向她最要好的朋友倾吐了自己所有的秘密。

He confided to me that he had appped for another job.他向我透露他已申请另一份工作。

‘It was a pe,’ he confided.“这是谎言。”他透露说。

v.1.吐露(秘密)2.信托,交托,委托3.信任,信赖 (in)4.(对知己)吐露秘密 (in)1.吐露(秘密)2.信托,交托,委托3.信任,信赖 (in)4.(对知己)吐露秘密 (in)

v.1.to tell someone a secret or discuss your private feepngs with them

1.吐露 fiduciary a 信用的 confide v 吐露;信托 confidant n 知心朋友 ...

2.倾诉 confess v. 忏悔,坦白 confide v. 倾诉 confidence n. 信心 ...

3.信赖 confession 自白书 confide 信赖 confidence 自信;秘密 ...

4.委托 konfid'i:to entrust 委托, confide 透露 委托 = perfid'i:to betray 背叛 = ...

5.信任 Brilpant 卓越的,灿烂的 Confide 信任 Diamond 钻石 ...

6.交托 confer 颁给,赐与 confide 信赖,交托 confident 确信的 ...

7.吐露秘密 confession 供认,自由 confide 委托,吐露秘密 confidence 信任,信心 ...

8.信托 fiduciary a 信用的 confide v 吐露;信托 confidant n 知心朋友 ...


1.He said he doesn't understand why so many people with problems have to confide in him.他说不明白为什么那么多不正常的人喜欢找自己吐露心声。

2.She returned to the charge the next evening and requested her niece to confide in her to unburden her heart.第二天晚上,她又发起攻势,向侄女倾诉衷肠以解除她心头的重负。

3.As a young woman with a broken heart, she was reluctant to confide in him, thinking he could not help. She was wrong.一个心已破碎的年轻女子,她不愿意相信她的父亲,认为他不能给她帮助,可是她错了。

4.You let me know: as long as I wish, be able to confide everything to you.你让我知道:只要我愿意,能把一切向您倾诉。

5."We confide in our strength, without boasting of it; we respect that of others, without fearing it" (Thomas Jefferson).“我们自信于自己的力量,但并不自夸;我们也重视别人的力量,但并不畏惧”(托马斯·杰斐逊)。

6.She did bring herself, finally, to confess, and confide in me: there was not a soul else that she might fashion into an adviser.最后她自己招认了,而且向我吐露了衷曲。除了我,还有谁能作她的顾问。

7.Try to be with other people and to confide in someone; it is usually better than being alone and secretive.试着和其他人在一起并信赖某个人;这通常比独处、躲躲藏藏的要好。

8.Make sure she continues to see him, gets him to confide in her, and report to you.确定她回到安布罗斯身边,让他信任她,并且向你汇报。

9.I do refactor softwar confide not know any other repable way of having the same kind of confidence.我也不知道还有拥有可以代码什么其他办法能够让我获得如此的信心。

10.Jone felt she could only confide in her mother.琼觉得她只有向她妈妈倾吐心中的秘密。