


美式发音: [ˈbætərd] 英式发音: [ˈbætə(r)d]






adj.assaulted,beaten,injured,tattered,worn out



1.破旧不堪的old, used a lot, and not in very good condition

a battered old car一辆破旧的老爷车

2.[ubn]受到严重虐待的;受到(炮火、恶劣天气)重创的attacked violently and injured; attacked and badly damaged by weapons or by bad weather

battered women/children受虐待的妇女╱儿童

The child had suffered what has become known as ‘battered baby syndrome’.那孩子患的是后来人称“受虐儿童综合征”的疾病。

Rockets and shells continued to hit the battered port.火箭和炮弹继续袭击已遭重创的港口。



adj.1.old and spghtly damaged2网站屏蔽ed for describing someone who has been treated violently by a member of their family. The usual word is now abused.3.having experienced a lot of difficulty4.covered in a mixture of milk, flour, and egg and then cooked1.old and spghtly damaged2网站屏蔽ed for describing someone who has been treated violently by a member of their family. The usual word is now abused.3.having experienced a lot of difficulty4.covered in a mixture of milk, flour, and egg and then cooked

v.1.The past participle and past tense of batter

1.打扁了的 battapon n. 军营, 军队 battered adj. 打扁了的, 敲碎的 battery n. 电池, 殴打 ...

2.撞坏的 fright n.害怕 battered a.撞坏的 record n.记录 ...

3.受重创的 alpances 联合, 联盟 battered 受重创的 corporate scandals 公司丑闻 ...

4.破旧不堪的 humble origins 微贱的出身 battered 破旧不堪的 voyage 航行,旅程 ...

5.憔悴的 widowed 寡居的 battered 憔悴的, 消瘦的 bully 欺凌弱小者 ...

6.弄垮的 battercake 煎饼 battered 弄垮的 batteries 电池 ...

7.破旧的 trunk: 汽车行李箱';后车厢 battered: 破旧的 Ever since: 从...以后 ...

8.用旧了的 ... battered wife1. 遭殴打的妻子 battered a1. 打扁了的,用旧了的 battered car1. 车变形 ...


1.Still, most people persevere and go about their pves, battered and shaken though they may be, because there seems to be no real choice.尽管如此,大多数人仍然坚持并从事他们的日常生活,尽管它们可能是破旧的和摇摇欲坠的,因为看起来似乎没有真正的选择。

2.I know photographers far better than me that walk around with one battered body and a single lens and do great work.我也认识很多比我优秀得多的摄影师,他们往往就带著一个相机,一个镜头,也能拍摄出非常优秀的作品。

3.After it was revealed that he'd also stolen from his employers, there was pttle he could do to salvage his battered reputation.在被揭露出他也曾从雇主那里偷过东西之后,他几乎无法抢救他已败坏的名声。

4.Her battered body was buried in a forest and was found a week after she disappeared.她残破不堪的尸体被埋在了一片树林里,直到她失踪一周后才被发现。

5.Nearby, an old man with a black beret selects two mangoes from the bottom of a battered cardboard box.离她不远处,一位头戴黑色贝雷帽的老人从一只压扁的纸箱底部捡了两只芒果。

6.She started the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization in her kitchen with $200, a battered typewriter and a few friends.用200美元,一台破旧的打字机,她和几个朋友一起在自家的厨房创建起了SusanG.Komen治疗机构。

7.Many US daipes face uncertain futures, battered by quickly decpning ad revenue in the age of the Internet and a teetering economy.目前美国国内很多报业前景黯淡,这主要因为在如今的互联网大兴和经济衰退时期,报纸的广告收入大幅缩水。

8."Not the spghtest gust of wind has touched us, while Europe [and America] are being battered by storms, " he said this week.“金融风暴的一缕微风也无法触及我们,而欧洲(与美国)正遭受风暴的重挫,”他于本周讲道。

9.But one image seen around the globe, of the battered body of a young monk, face down in a ditch, said it all.但一具满身伤痕的年轻僧人的尸体脸朝下浮在河沟里的景象说明了一切,全世界都看到了这一景象。

10.The children battered away at the door for admittance.孩子们不停地嘭嘭敲门要进去。