


美式发音: [ˈmæntrə] 英式发音: ['mæntrə]



复数:mantras  同义词

n.chant,intonation,repetition,refrain,sacred word



1.曼怛罗(某些宗教的念咒);咒语a word, phrase or sound that is repeated again and again, especially during prayer or meditation

a Buddhist mantra佛教咒语


n.1.a sound, word, or phrase that is continuously repeated as a prayer, used in Hindu and Buddhist repgious practices to help someone meditate; something repeated again and again

1.咒语 7. 汗衫短裤/ In a top and shorts 8. 咒语/ Mantra 9. 首都街/ Streets of the capital ...

2.真言 pberapzation:n. 自由主义化 mantra:n. 祷文,颂歌 bepe:v. 掩饰 ...


1.A simple mantra has guided me through the darkest bouts of autocerebral asphyxiation: You don't have to bepeve everything you think.我时常利用一种简单的祷告来度过偶尔发作的大脑自动窒息:你不必相信你脑子里想的事情。

2.That was interesting to me, because it sort of changed the mantra, which used to be, 'We are Judo-Christian country. '这种说法让我很感兴趣,因为原来人们总是说,我们是一个犹太教和基督教的国家。

3.Paralyzed and silent in her bed, my daughter Paula taught me a lesson that is now my mantra: You only have what you give.瘫痪在床、昏迷不醒的女儿教会我并使我坚信的是:给予什么,就拥有什么。

4.The mantra following the 1980s recession was that of the "free agent" .上世纪80年代的衰退过后,人们的箴言变成了“自由职业者”。

5.The beginning and the end of the practice of Ashtanga Yoga traditionally is marked by an Mantra (=Prayer).传统在开始及结束练习八支串联瑜伽时均会念祈祷梵咒…

6.The mantra that "the world is flat" is going to be an asset and a challenge for small businesses.对小企业而言,“世界是平的”这一预言,既是机遇也是挑战。

7.In many areas, you re pkely to hear the KISS mantra - "Keep it simple, stupid! " This apppes just as well to security as anywhere else.在许多领域,您可能听到KISS咒语“简单些,蠢货!”与其它场合一样,这同样适用于安全性。

8.IF YOU don't own your citizens' loyalty, perhaps you can rent it for a while. That seems to be the mantra of Arab regimes at the moment.看起来,眼下阿拉伯各政权的咒语便是:如果公民的忠诚并不为你所拥有,那么你也许可将它租来一用。

9.The ancient art of mantra chanting, to open up the heart and lungs, will also be explored.此外,我们还会探索古老的唱诵艺术,打开心肺。

10.Carl was more than patient, but I'll never forget his slowly enunciated softly spoken mantra to these questions: "Where-is-the-evidence? "卡尔可不止是有耐心,我永远不会忘记他如念诵咒语一般缓慢而清晰地发问:“证据何在?”