


美式发音: [maʊnd] 英式发音: [maʊnd]




复数:mounds  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.burial mound





1.土墩;小丘;小山岗a large pile of earth or stones; a small hill

a Bronze Age burial mound青铜时代的坟冢

The castle was built on top of a natural grassy mound.这座城堡建在一个天然的绿草如茵的小丘上。

2.一堆a pile

a small mound of rice/sand一小堆米╱沙子

3.(informal)~ of sth许多;大量a large amount of sth

I've got a mound of paperwork to do.我有一堆文案工作要做。

4.投球区土墩the small hill where the player who throws the ball (called the pitcher ) stands



n.1.a small hill, especially one that has been made by people; the small hill where the pitcher stands to throw the ball in baseball2.a pile of something such as earth or stones; an amount of something in a pile

1.土堆 (2) 同本义[ boundary] (4) 坟堆;土堆[ mound] (6) 国土,土地[ land of a country;land] ...

2.土墩 scatter 散开 mound 土墩 thermometer 温度计 ...

3.土丘 土改〖 landreform〗 土岗,土丘mound〗 土埂〖 alowbankofearthbetweenfields〗 ...

4.小山 mound 土墩 mound 小山 mount checker 管脚检验器 ...

5.小丘 motto n. 箴言,座右铭 mound n. 土堆,小丘 moustache n. 胡子 ...

6.堤 lot 一块地 mound 土堆;;坟堆 prickly 多刺的 ...

7.坟堆 (2) 同本义[ boundary] (4) 坟堆;土堆[ mound] (6) 国土,土地[ land of a country;land] ...


1.Sift the flour. Pour the flour into a large bowl or on a work surface. Mold the flour in a mound shape with a hole in the center.将面粉过筛,将面粉倒入一个大碗或者面板,将面粉堆成一个中间有洞的土堆形。(如上图)

2.Behind the pon towers a huge mound or pyramid and under it is found a large, oval chamber which appears to be hermetically sealed .在狮城的后面是巨大的土堆或金字塔,在金字塔下方发现一大型、椭圆形房间,房间看起来就是密封的。

3.The missile slammed into the front bonnet of the white vehicle, turning it into a mound of twisted metal.猛烈的袭击使得车头盖被射得隆起,扭曲变型。

4.But when she looked carefully, she was surprised to see at the top of the mound a wreath of red and white flowers.再往上仔细看时,却不觉也吃一惊;——分明有一圈红白的花,围着那尖圆的坟顶。

5.The species trapped by the outer walls sees a deep well with a raised mound in the center, pke the bottom of a wine bottle.被外墙抓住的粒子看到的是一个深井,中间就像酒瓶的底一样有个突起的底座。

6.Yet Bunning is best understood as the Hall ofFame pitcher he was -- one man alone on his mound, and a cantankerouscompetitor to the end.然而作为位列棒球名人堂的投手,邦宁十分清楚自己的角色——独一人于丘上,奋力战到最后。

7.Storm surges are caused by a hurricane's high winds, which pile up a "mound" of water along the front of the eye as the storm moves forward.飓风的狂风导致风暴潮,在面前堆起一座“水堤”随着风暴往前移动。

8.With your weight mainly on your heels see how the skin on the bottom of your foot, near the mound of your toes is free to open more.你的重量主要放在脚跟处察看你的脚底的皮肤如何伸展,靠近脚趾的脚球处是自由并伸展的更多。

9.It is hard to find, and easy to lose again among the mound grass. . . it gives her pleasure and encourages her to give men more pleasure.它很难被人发现,并且在高高垛起的草堆里很容易再次丢失…它给她带来愉悦感,并鼓励她去给男人们更多的快++感+。

10.He did not seem to notice a small cornfield where someone had dug a burial mound of fresh red dirt.他没有注意到在一块玉米地上正有人在那新鲜的红土地上挖出个洞,来埋葬尸体。