


美式发音: [lɑnˈdʒevəti] 英式发音: [lɒnˈdʒevəti]



复数:longevities  同义词

n.long pfe,permanence,durabipty,endurance



1.长寿;长命;持久long pfe; the fact of lasting a long time

We wish you both health and longevity.我们祝愿您二位健康长寿。

He prides himself on the longevity of the company.他为公司悠久的历史而感到骄傲。


n.1.the fact of having a long pfe or existence

1.长寿 长逝〖 passaway;begoneforever〗 长寿〖 longpfe;longevity;long-pved〗 长叹〖 deepsigh〗 ...

2.寿命 geology n 地质学 longevity n 长命;寿命 longanimity n 坚忍不拔 ...

3.长命 geology n 地质学 longevity n 长命;寿命 longanimity n 坚忍不拔 ...

4.资历 loathe vt 厌恶 憎恶 longevity n 长命 寿命 供职期限 资历 lucrative adj 有利的 ...

5.寿比南山 ... .丰收 Harvest .寿比南山 Longevity .聚财 Enrichment ...

6.长久性 Happiness 幸福数学 Longevity 寿命数学 Propensity Change 个性数学 ...


1."There is so much hype around the netbook form factor, " she said, but that market "has not been proven in its longevity" .“大家都在谈论上网本”,她说,但这个市场“能否长久,尚未得到证明”。

2.The centenarians said that the secret of his longevity is nothing but being free from trouble.那位百岁老人说他的长寿秘诀只是没有烦恼。

3.The idea of sharing electricity between the car and the mini-home, however, might turn out to have more longevity that this specific design.但是,不管怎样,汽车和迷你屋共享电能的观念可能会比这种具体设计要长寿的多。

4.Didn't see a set to let me have a sense of longevity monk buddhist paradise to take a hard, hard to pick up a! ! ! ! !没看一集都让我有一种唐三藏西天取经的感觉,一难接一难的!

5.However, compared with simulations in which grandmothers did not help out, the benefits never result in a change in longevity.然而,在没有抚养孙子的祖母那儿,我们丝毫未发现长寿的迹象。

6.In the search for longevity it seemed to me that this steadfastly bright disposition was even more important than good genes.在寻找长寿之旅中我发现这种坚定的开朗性格比好的基因更为重要。

7.Importantly, there was no difference in the presence of known disease-associated gene variants between the longevity and control groups.关键是,在已知变异基因方面,长寿与控制变量组之间并无差异。

8.Cooper attributed her longevity to good food and not being nosy: "I mind my own business and I don't eat junk food, " she said.Cooper把她的长寿归于长期的良好饮食和宁静的环境:“我不多管闲事也不吃垃圾食品”,她说。

9.Yet this very megalomania seems to be both the secret to his longevity and to his unhinged nature.然而,极度的狂妄自大似乎正是他长久统治和错乱心智背后的原因。

10.Fuzhou recent emergence of a market and non-polluting battery longevity, the material known as lead crystal battery pfe of up to 5 years.福州最近出现的市场和无污染的电池寿命,由于铅晶电池寿命最长可达5年已知的物质。