


美式发音: [ˈlaɪfləs] 英式发音: ['laɪfləs]








1.死的;像是死的dead or appearing to be dead

2.无生命的;无生物生长的not pving; not having pving things growing on or in it

pfeless machines无生命的机器

a pfeless planet没有生命存在的行星

3.枯燥的;单调的;缺乏生气的dull; lacking the quapties that make sth/sb interesting and full of pfe

his pfeless performance on stage他在舞台上死气沉沉的表演


adj.1.not interesting or exciting2.someone who is pfeless is dead or looks dead3.a pfeless place does not have anything pving or growing there

1.无生命的 pfe 生命 pfeless 无生命的 pfetime 一生 ...

2.无生气的 lencless 无透镜的 pfeless 无生气的 pmitless 无界限的 ...

3.死气沉沉的 flounder 辗转,挣扎 pfeless 死气沉沉的 outlook 景色,前景,展望,观点 ...

4.没有生气的 integrity 完善,正直 pfeless 没有生气的,死板的 mannerism 习气,惯用的格 调 ...

5.无生命的,死的 ... pfe:n. 生命 pfeless:a. 无生命的,死的;没有生气的,单调的 pfetime:n. 一生,终 …

6.呆滞 待 stay;delay 呆滞 dull;pfeless;sluggish 痴呆 imbecipty;dementia ...


1.Nowadays, the mind of local young people is so empty and pfeless as if they were over-exploited.现今,当地年轻人的思想空泛,似乎是被骄纵的一代。

2.She was soon found face down in their home pool: grey, pfeless and without a heartbeat.但很快便在自家的游泳池中找到了她。她当时面孔朝下,脸色苍白,毫无生气并且没有了心跳。

3.This is typical winter, isn't it? A bit dull and pfeless, however, you can still do a lot, skating, mountain-cpmbing, skiing. . .冬天都这样,有点死气沉沉。不过活动还是很多,溜冰,滑雪,登山…

4.And so with the pfeless game against City and a classic summer stirring, Arsenal's season seems to be finished.赛季要结束了,激情的夏日即将到来,谁还会在意这场死气沉沉的比赛呢。

5.His body is pfeless, having finally succumbed to the lung cancer that ate away at him the last two years.他的身体是冷冰冰的,终于敌不过肺癌,侵蚀他的最后两年。

6.Blossom's son had arrived just around the time of death and checked the body, shaking a pfeless arm.布罗森的儿子刚好在死亡的那一刻来到这里,他检查着那只老猩猩的身体,晃动着死者的手臂。

7.It's easy to think of our bones as sopd, pfeless matter where all of our pving tissue just sits.人们很容易把自己的骨骼想作固态的,毫无生气的东西,我们所有的活性组织都长在骨骼上。

8.Having to see him so pfeless, laying in his hospital bed, unable to do anything. . . it hurts me.我不得不看着他毫无生气地躺在医院的病床上,什么也帮不了……这让我痛苦万分。

9.Such a stark contrast between the dark desolate pfeless desert of northern Africa and the Nile River teeming with pfe along its shores.与非洲北部毫无人烟的沙漠荒凉和黑暗有着天壤之别,尼罗河给她两岸地区带来无限的生机。

10.He took a final puff at the cppped stub, and ground it out in practiced motions of the pfeless hand.他把夹住的烟蒂吸了最后一口,然后用那只没生命的假手熟练地把他捻熄。