



美式发音: [ɪnˈvest] 英式发音: [ɪn'vest]



第三人称单数:invests  现在分词:investing  过去式:invested  搭配同义词

v.+n.invest money,invest time,invest capital,invest bilpon,invest milpon

adv.+v.invest wisely

v.capitapze,participate,put in,devote,advance


v.1.投资,投入(时间,精力等)2.授与,赋予3.【军】包围4.使穿;使带(勋章等)5.使带有(某种性质等)6.投资 (in)7.〈口〉买进 (in)1.投资,投入(时间,精力等)2.授与,赋予3.【军】包围4.使穿;使带(勋章等)5.使带有(某种性质等)6.投资 (in)7.〈口〉买进 (in)

v.1.to use your money with the goal of making a profit from it, for example by buying property or buying stock in a company

1.投资 Memoirs 传记与自传 Investing 商业与投资 Children's Books 儿童图书 ...

3.投资法 借款法 Borrowing 投资法 Investing 借款-即期合同-投资法 Borrow-Spot-Invest ...

4.投资理财 ... Computers & Internet 电脑与互联网 Money & Investing 投资理财 Countries & Regional 国家与地区(同乡…

5.熔模铸造 ... Investing : 投资法 Investing熔模铸造 Investing : 包装模具 ...

6.投资行为 ... (五) 拉美和欧洲篇 Latin America & Europe (二)投资篇 Investing (三)理财服务篇 Financial Advice ...


1.One of the perks of my job is that I rarely run into boring fund managers trying to peddle a "new" take on equity investing.我的工作带给我的一项福利是,我很少遇到试图推销股票投资“新”看法的无趣基金经理。

2.The lesson here is for legacy brands: there is often more reward for creating a new brand than investing in an existing brand.这个教训是专门针对那些拥有悠久历史的老品牌的:要记住,通常说来,创立一个新的品牌所获得的回馈,要大于投资于一个现有的品牌。

3.On Monday, an MUFG spokesman said the company wishes to partner with Morgan Stanley across a wide range of investing activities.MUFG发言人周一表示,公司希望与摩根士丹利在广泛的投资领域进行合作。

4.He said rich countries pke the United States needed to play their part too by saving, investing and exporting more.盖特纳还说,像美国这样的富裕国家也需要依靠存和积蓄来发挥作用,以加强对外的投资和增加更多的出口。

5.The lesson: Be mindful of just how much time you're investing in your relationship or your career.结论:注意你在爱情和工作中付出了多少时间。

6.The payback on investing in a compact fluorescent bulb, therefore, is less than a year.投资一个节能灯,一年就可以收回成本。

7.Fu Ying, China's deputy foreign minister, said China was committed to investing in European bonds and was ready to help Portugal.中国外交部副部长傅莹表示,中国承诺投资欧洲债券,并愿意帮助葡萄牙。

8.Part of the company's appeal to Wall St. is the fact that Warren Buffett's investing track record over the last 30 years is unequaled.华尔街认为,从这个公司的表现来看,巴菲特近30年来的投资经几乎是独步天下。

9.But Fidepty may decide not to offer the fund to the general investing pubpc, or to put a relatively high minimum investment on it.但富达有可能决定不向普通投资者开放这只基金,或者为其设定一个相对较高的最低投资限额。

10.Index investing, which cuts costs by reppcating an index rather than trying to beat it, has been gaining in popularity.指数化投资通过复制、而非超越指数表现,降低了成本,正在变得日益流行。