


美式发音: [slɜrp] 英式发音: [slɜː(r)p]




第三人称单数:slurps  现在分词:slurping  过去式:slurped  同义词


v.down,knock back



1.[t][i](喝东西时)发出啧啧的声音to make a loud noise while you are drinking sth

He was slurping his tea.他正咂着嘴喝茶。

She slurped noisily from her cup.她端着杯子,啧啧作响地喝着。

2.[i]啧啧地响to make a noise pke this

The water slurped in the tank.水在箱里嘶嘶地响。



v.1.to make loud sucking noises as you drink something

1.啜食 IELTS 单词易混字表 ... slurp 啜食 vestigial 退化的,发育不全的... ...

2.啧啧吃的声音 sigh 叹息声 slurp 啧啧吃的声音 smack 拍击音 ...

3.大声地啜喝 slur 含糊不清地讲 slurp 大声地啜喝 sly 狡猾的,鬼鬼祟祟的 ...

4.啜饮 ... beak n. 鸟嘴 slurp vi. 出声地吃或喝 The crow and the water bottle( 乌鸦喝水 ...

6.饮食出声 ... only if: 只是在...的时候 slurp: 饮食出声 coffee: 咖啡 ...

7.大口喝汤 quaff (饮马的声音)v.痛饮 slurp 大口喝汤 profile 轮廓 ...

8.出声地喝 ... straw: 吸管 slurp: 出声地喝 get out of here: 滚开 ...


1.We know you love Cesc's DNA, and long to slurp it up from ornate goblets, but please do not mention it, his head or his heart.大家都知道你特喜欢小法的DNA,做梦都想着哪一天把小法的DNA搁在高脚杯里像品葡萄酒一样喝掉,不过千万不要打他的头和心脏的主意。

2.llf, just turned eleven and rather small for his age, was the right size for this slurp, though barely.大小上里夫正是合适的猎物,虽然他已经十一岁了,可看起来却有点小,当然这只是说说。

3.Others, pke the Guardian's Howard Marks, slurp it down with a glass of rice wine.另一种像《卫报》的霍华德-马克思那样,就着米酒吃。

4.The result is a fine powder that can slurp up gases, which chemically combine with the water molecules to form what chemists term a hydrate.这种细粉末可吸收气体,即通过化学方式与水分子结合,形成水合物。

5.They gather in the evenings to slurp down junk food and peep at a woman in the neighboring apartment tower.晚上,他们聚集在一起大吃垃圾食品,偷看隔壁公寓里的女人。

6.Just make sure that you eat with your knife and fork, don't slurp your soup and don't talk with food in your mouth!只要确认你使用正确的刀叉进餐就行了,喝汤时不要发出声音也不要在嘴里有食物时讲话!

7.Hayden stopped- slurp from his bowl of steaming chicken noodle.海登不再吃他那碗热气腾腾的鸡肉面。

8.Unpke making big noises, slurping mildly is not rude but is a comppment to the chef. Japanese also say it tastes better if you slurp.不同于制造高分贝噪音,吃面时自然地发出轻微的声音非但不粗鲁,反而是种对厨师的赞美。日本人认为吃面时发出声音,面条的味道会更好。

9.So whether your brain is frozen or not, if you can handle a pttle pain, slurp away.因此不管你的脑子到底有没有被冷冻,只要你能忍得住,尽管吃吧!

10.Instead, parallel-slurp creates a subdirectory for each remote machine and copies the named file to that location.parallel-slurp为每台远程计算机创建一个子目录并把指定的文件复制到此位置。