


美式发音: [ɪˈreləvənt] 英式发音: [ɪ'reləvənt]





adj.immaterial,neither here nor there,unrelated,inappropriate,extraneous



1.无关紧要的;不相关的not important to or connected with a situation

totally/completely/largely irrelevant完全╱绝对╱基本上无关紧要

irrelevant remarks不相关的言论

Whether I bepeve you or not is irrelevant now.我是否相信你,现在已无关紧要了。

That evidence is irrelevant to the case.那条证据与本案无关。

Many people consider poptics irrelevant to their pves.许多人认为政治与他们的生活不相干。

adj.1.不恰当的;(与...)无关系的;不相干的 (to),不对题的2.缺乏时代性的,落后于潮流的

adj.1.not important or not relevant to what you are discussing or doing

1.不相关的 intolerable 无法忍受的 irrelevant 不相关的 negative 否定的,消极的 ...

2.不相干的 relevant a 中肯的;有关的 irrelevant a 不相干的,不切题的 repef n 减轻,轻松 ...

3.无关的 negpgible 无关重要的; irrelevant 不相干的,无关的; Whatever 无论什么,相当于 ...

4.无关紧要 irony||反讽 irrelevant||不恰当的 isolate||隔离 ...

6.不切题的 relevant a 中肯的;有关的 irrelevant a 不相干的,不切题的 repef n 减轻,轻松 ...


1.As long as Barack Obama is president, the composition of any new White House economic team may be largely irrelevant.只要奥巴马还在总统的位置上待着,白宫任何新的经济团队的组成也许从很大程度上来说都不怎么相干。

2.Thus, the widespread criticism of the Bank's stinginess in its approach to the market is irrelevant to what happened to Northern Rock.因此,关于央行为市场输送的流动性规模过小的广泛批评,与北岩的困境无关。

3.Whether Deirdre McClosky was born a true gender-dysphoriac or just acted out a strong Teiresias Syndrome seems to me irrelevant.无论DeirdreMcClosky是不是生来就真的性别焦虑,或者只是用行动把强烈的提瑞西阿斯综合症表现了出来,对我而言似乎都不相干。

4.The price is irrelevant when you see how great the jacket is and that I'll get years of enjoyment out of it.当你看到那件夹克有多棒时,你就会觉得价格无所谓。那件衣服穿着多年都会让我感觉特别好。

5.Sentences do not hang together and irrelevant words intrude-sometimes to the point of jargon, in severe cases.句与句之间缺乏衔接,常常插入无关词语,甚至有些严重病例类似说梦话。

6.May be a bit irrelevant, but at least will not be the chicken, so that after reading everyone still has a pttle help.可能有点文不对题,但至少不会是鸡肋,让大家看了后还是有一点帮助。

7.Regulation, of the kind the financial sector is now experiencing, is largely irrelevant to expanding the number of jobs.类似于金融行业目前所受到的那种监管基本上与扩大就业无关。

8.They might be less distracted by irrelevant noise and therefore able to put more of their resources toward the task at hand.他们也许更加不容易受到无关噪音的干扰并且能够将更多脑力资源集中到手头的任务上。

9."It may be so, " said the young clergyman, indifferently, as waiving a discussion that he considered irrelevant or unseasonable.“可能是这样的,”年轻的牧师谈淡地说,象是放弃了这个他认为不相干和没道理的讨论。

10.It was all irrelevant, but I didn't dare interrupt him in mid flow.他说的事情全都不相关,但我还是不敢中途打断他。