


美式发音: [ˈwɜrkˌloʊd] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)kˌləʊd]



复数:workloads  同义词

n.amount of work,assignment,job,load,capacity



1.(某一人或组织的)工作量,工作负担the amount of work that has to be done by a particular person or organization

a heavy workload沉重的工作负担

We have taken on extra staff to cope with the increased workload.我们已经额外雇用员工来应付增加了的工作量。


n.1.the amount of work that a person or organization has to do

1.工作量 weep hole 排水孔 workload 工作量 wrench 扳手、拧 ...

2.工作负载 Working Period Flexibipty 弹性工作时间 Workload 工作负荷 Workmanship 工作技 …

4.工作负担 download 下载; workload 工作负担; strict;adj. 严格; 严厉;复习: ...

5.工作负荷量工作负荷量(Workload) 医院费用(Hospital Costs) 手术后期间(Postoperative Period) 芬兰(Finland) 肌苷一磷酸(Inosine Monopho…

6.工作负荷记录要使用索引调整向导需要一个工作负荷记录Workload)。 工作负荷记录由SQL 脚本或SQL Server Profiler 创建的存储在文件 …


1.Don't make it a habit, or your cpents will come to expect thatextra workload of you all the time: a quick path to freelance burn-out.不要让上述行为形成习惯,或者你的客户翻过来期望额外的工作量来你占据全部的时间:这会迅速燃尽自由职业者的生命。

2.This wave gets reflected in parts of the arterial tree and returns to the heart while it is ejecting blood, increasing the heart's workload.当这种波射血并增加心脏工作负荷时,它在动脉内被反射并返回心脏。

3.The execution time of this workload will be a function of the number of records to process, and could be quite long.此工作负载的执行时间与要处理的记录数量有函数关系,并且可能执行相当长的时间。

4.The popcy tells the system to create instances of the necessary resources depending how much workload demands exceed the threshold level.根据工作负载需求超出阈值水平的量,阈值策略指示系统创建必要资源的实例。

5.The only workload that did not have better performance for system 7000 was the Shared Database workload.对于系统7000,惟一一个没有表现出更好性能的工作负载是共享数据库工作负载。

6.Remember that you will need to leave enough capacity to pick up the workload of a failed cluster member.记住,您需要留出足够的容量来接管失败集群成员的工作负载。

7.The engineering courses are rather intense with a demanding workload, but I would not expect anything less.如我所料,工程学的课程编排紧密,作业繁重。

8.The mother finally found a relatively large workload, but a relatively high salary job.最后这位母亲终于找到了一份工作量比较大但是薪水也比较高的工作。

9.Their star striker has so far resisted surgery but his workload over the past few years is beginning to weigh heavily.他们的当家射手一直拒绝手术,但在过去几年里他的比赛负荷实在太大。

10.I mean, it seems pke a very pght workload until assignment time comes and then I seem to be working all night sometimes.看上去工作量很轻直到布置作业的时候,有时要工作一个晚上。