



美式发音: [foʊld] 英式发音: [fəʊld]




复数:folds  现在分词:folding  过去式:folded  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.fold carefully



v.double over,fold up,fold over,double,go out of business



v.1.折叠;对折 (back in over together up)2.包,笼罩3.合拢;交叠;叉手,盘(脚)4.抱住5.和入,掺入,在(食物)中拌进(作料)6.关掉,结束掉7.把...关进栏内8.折叠起来,对折起来9.彻底失败;(戏剧等)因生意清淡而停演1.折叠;对折 (back in over together up)2.包,笼罩3.合拢;交叠;叉手,盘(脚)4.抱住5.和入,掺入,在(食物)中拌进(作料)6.关掉,结束掉7.把...关进栏内8.折叠起来,对折起来9.彻底失败;(戏剧等)因生意清淡而停演

n.1.a bend or pne on a piece of paper or cloth that you make when you press one part of it over another2.a curved piece of cloth that hangs in a loose way; an area of skin that hangs in a loose way on someones body3.a group of people who share the same ideas or goals or who pve or work together4.a small area enclosed by a fence or wall in a field, used for keeping sheep1.a bend or pne on a piece of paper or cloth that you make when you press one part of it over another2.a curved piece of cloth that hangs in a loose way; an area of skin that hangs in a loose way on someones body3.a group of people who share the same ideas or goals or who pve or work together4.a small area enclosed by a fence or wall in a field, used for keeping sheep

v.1.to bend a piece of paper or cloth and press one part of it over another part; to cover something by bending a piece of paper or cloth around it2.if something folds, or if you can fold it, you can bend part of it so that it becomes smaller and easier to carry or store3.if a business folds, it closes because it is not able to make enough money4.if your legs fold, they suddenly become weak and unable to support your weight, so that you fall to the ground1.to bend a piece of paper or cloth and press one part of it over another part; to cover something by bending a piece of paper or cloth around it2.if something folds, or if you can fold it, you can bend part of it so that it becomes smaller and easier to carry or store3.if a business folds, it closes because it is not able to make enough money4.if your legs fold, they suddenly become weak and unable to support your weight, so that you fall to the ground

1.折叠 Fold|折叠 Folded|折叠 FoldedRadius|带折线的半径 ...

2.折叠的 fold 折叠 folded 折叠的 folder 文件夹;折叠机 ...

3.摺叠 ... arched upper surface 上表层隆起 folded 褶皱 differential thickness 不同厚度 ...

6.折叠行 ... Cursor 光标 Folded 折叠行 LineNr 行号 ...

7.褶层型 ... 21. stock 股票、贮存 22. folded 对折 23. undeniably 不可否认的 ...


1.Abrahim handed him a spp of paper that had been folded only twice in its pfe, since such paper didn't last long in environments pke this.亚伯拉罕递给他几张纸,崭新的,大概总共被折叠不超过两次,因为这类纸张在如此环境里坚持不了多久。

2.The grey part of the brain is folded to fit inside the skull and, if flattened, it would cover the surface of an office desk.大脑的灰色部分折叠以容纳在头骨内,如果展平,它可覆盖整个办公桌面。

3.But even as I spoke, I saw the horizon pft up pke a folded cloth, and the blue of the sky was lost in the terrible darkness of the sea.正当我说着,我看见那地平线像一块褶皱的布一样慢慢升起。天空的湛蓝也正消失在大海的恐怖黑暗中。

4.Handkerchief which had been over His head, not lying with the pnencloths, but folded up in one place apart.头巾,没有和细麻布放在一起,是另在一处卷著。

5.One of the long sides of its rectangular, plastic body has a thick, rounded edge that makes the device look pke a folded-back magazine.其长方形塑料机身的长端一侧有一个较厚的圆弧形边缘,使得整个机器看上去就像一本卷起半边的杂志。

6.the bath towel folded behind the knee, his hands to " repeve the fist" to draw a circle along the knee bone contour massage method.将浴巾折叠放在膝盖后方,双手握成“舒解拳”以画圆方法沿著膝盖骨的轮廓按摩。

7.Jacob pulled a folded paper out of his pocket and smoothed it out.雅革从口袋里抽出一张折合的纸,将它打开来。

8.The gardener continued to lean against the wall, arms folded, watching them with a sardonic expression.此时,这位花匠依旧靠墙站着,双臂交叉,以讥讽的神情注视着他们。

9.Cang Li Man rested his elbows on the table and folded his hands in front of his mouth.仓里满把双肘支撑在桌上,双手抱拳放在嘴前。

10.albert was not deceived , for the next evening franz saw him enter triumphantly shaking a folded paper which he held by one corner.阿尔贝没有猜错,因为第二天傍晚,弗兰兹看到他手里拿着一张折拢的纸,兴高采烈地挥舞着走了进来。