


美式发音: [ˈtaɪpɪst] 英式发音: ['taɪpɪst]






1.打字员a person who works in an office typing letters, etc.

2.(用打字机或计算机键盘的)打字者a person who uses a typewriter or computer keyboard

I'm quite a fast typist.我打字相当快。


n.1.someone who types using a typewriter or a computer keyboard to produce documents, especially as their job

1.打字员 TV producer: 电视制作人 typist: 打字员 vet: 兽医 ...

2.打字者 Diana 黛安娜(女子名) typist n. 打字员;打字者 receptionist n. 接待员 ...

3.打字人员 第8话 总机人员 Switchboard Operator 第9话 打字人员 Typist 第10话 业务人员 Salesperso…

4.中英文打字员 ... Beauty Therapist Trainee 见习纤体美容师 Typist (中英文打字员) Beauty Consultant 美容顾问 ...

5.中文打字员 Chinese Doctors 注册中医师 (全职及兼职均会考虑) Typist (中文打字员) Part-time Operations Assistant 兼职仓务助理 ...

6.挨字员 Translator 传译员 Typist 挨字员 Word Processing Operator 笔墨处置操纵员 ...

7.话打字人员 第8话总机人员 Switchboard Operator 第9话打字人员 Typist 第10话业务人员 Salesperson ...


1.I've worked here as a typist for about a year, and I'd pke to have an opportunity for advancement.我在此做打字员一年了,我期望有个升迁的机会。

2.Several days later, mother told me that she was writing a book and need a typist.过了几天,妈妈告诉我她正在写一本书,需要一个打字的人。

3.After doing odd jobs for a week, he got a permanent position as a typist.1做了一个月零工之后他得到一份打字员的长期工作。

4.Lower the threshold to a value less than one-tenth of a second to require certain matches specific to a typist.把阈值降低到小于十分之一秒的值,实现特定于打字者的某些匹配。

5.Your teasing of the new typist has gone beyond a joke and I advise you to stop it.你对新来的打字员的戏弄已超出了玩笑的范围,我建议你停止。

6.I have been a shorthand typist within the marketing department for 2 years and I have been very happy there.我在营销部当了2年的速记打字员,并且在那里工作得很愉快。

7.After he married Selma, she gave him $900 from her job as a typist in Manhattan to buy the business.婚后他的妻子Selma从在曼哈顿做打字员的收入中拿出900美元,帮他盘下了这门买卖。

8.He nodded. "She was a typist. I telegraphed her former boss. All they know is that she left her job to get married. "他点了点头。“她本来是个打字员。我给她以前的老板拍了电报。他们只知道她不干了,结婚去了。”

9.That would be great. I'm such a terrible typist!那太好了。我打字太慢了!

10.The young man shifts in his chair, waiting for the typist to come, and softly hums from Beethoven's Moonpght Sonata.年轻人在椅中移动了一下,等着打字员的到来,他轻轻哼起贝多芬的月光奏鸣曲。