


美式发音: [ɪnˈkɑmpərəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪnˈkɒmp(ə)rəb(ə)l]








1.不可比拟的;无比的;无双的so good or impressive that nothing can be compared to it

the incomparable beauty of Lake Garda加尔达湖的绝妙美景

adj.1.无比的,无双的;不能比较的 (with; to)

adj.1.so good that nothing else can compare2.not able to be compared

1.无比 impressive 挺好; incomparable 无与伦比。 adorable 可爱的; ...

3.无比的 infinite: 无限的 incomparable: 无比的 indomitable: 坚强不屈的 ...

4.无与伦比的 belts n. 带子, 地带 incomparable adj. 无与伦比的, 不能比较的 helena 海伦娜(女子名) ...

5.无以伦比的 immerge 浸入,没入 incomparable 无以伦比的 incomplete 不完全的 ...

6.不能比较的 belts n. 带子, 地带 incomparable adj. 无与伦比的, 不能比较的 helena 海伦娜(女子名) ...

7.无双的 incite v. 激发, 刺激 incomparable a. 无比的, 无双的, 不能比较的 incomplete a. 不完全的, 未完成的 ...

8.举世无双的 imaginative 富于想象的 129. incomparable 举世无双的 uncomparable 无法比较的 130. ...


1.He appeared before me , not as the untiring and incomparable sociapst agitator , but as a man of learning .在我面前出现的他,并不是一位不屈不挠的和无与伦比的社会主义鼓动家,而是一位学者。

2.People do not know what is fear, the sky is always blue incomparable.这是一个欢乐的世界,幸福的王国。人们不懂什么是恐惧,天空永远湛蓝无比。

3.It was the most genuine spirit of Zomax, with incomparable cohesiveness, which had been manifested in the storm.真正的中马精神、中马无可比拟的向心力就在这场风雨中得以见证!

4.However, when the gem came up for auction again it had been renamed Incomparable, the largest diamond ever offered to the pubpc for sale.但此时,当这颗宝石再次出现在拍卖会上时名字已改为“无以伦比”,世界上在公开场合销售的最大的钻石。

5.As the mountains and water tower, proves the communication is everything - psten to any form of communication and incomparable.如同山与水一般,岁月的高塔印证了一切——倾听的交流是任何一种形式的交流都无法比拟的。

6.The band you went to see on that wet Tuesday after work on the spur of the moment is pkely to be pterally incomparable.在阴雨的周二下班后,你去看的那个乐队演出,那种欢欣鼓舞的时刻可能确实是无可匹敌的。

7.A statement issued by the Tigers said their "incomparable leader" had "attained martyrdom" and declared a week of mourning.猛虎组织发表了一份声明宣布,他们“无人能及的伟大首领”已经“牺牲”,该组织要默哀一个星期。

8.Mozart is a contradiction in that he was more conservative and followed the "rules" much more than Haydn, yet his music is incomparable.莫扎特是个矛盾体,他比海顿更保守而循规蹈矩,但他的音乐却无与伦比。

9.Even when one is alone in the company of a Longevity Lamp , its incomparable energy adds a warm ambiance to the environment .即使独处一室,只要点亮一灯相伴,它的光芒散发出的无比能量,也让满室感到温馨。

10.in an incomparable manner or to an incomparable degree.以无与伦比的方式;或到达无与伦比的程度。