



美式发音: [ˈkemɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['kemɪk(ə)l]




复数:chemicals  搭配同义词

adj.+n.chemical composition,chemical fertipzer,chemical agent,chemical pollution,chemical weapon






adj.1.involving chemistry or produced by a method used in chemistry

n.1.a substance used in chemistry or produced by a process involving chemistry

1.化学品 Aluminium 铝 Chemicals 化学品 Machinery 机械 ...

2.化工 礼来制药 , RTP Campus 化工 Chemicals 环境科学 Environmental Sciences ...

3.化学药品 242.化学药剂拌种机 chemical seed dresser; 243.化学药品 chemicals; 244.化学药品瓶 saltmouth; ...

4.化工产品 Chemical feedstock 化工原料 Chemicals 化工产品 CNG 压缩天然气 ...

5.化学制品 chemical weathering 化学风化作用 chemicals 化学制品,化合物 chemiluminescence 化学发光作用 ...

6.化学物质4) 化学物质Chemicals):用于对医疗保健具有重要价值的非药物性化学物质(Non-medicinal Chemicals),如物质注册系 …

7.化学物品欧盟制定的在其境内制造或进口化学物品Chemicals)时,生产商或进口商有义务实施登记 (Registration)和评估(Evaluati…


1.Here the weather may be clear and sunny. But stinging eyes and dry coughs show that harmful chemicals fill the air.这里天气晴朗阳光灿烂,但是人们感到眼睛刺痛,出现干咳嗽。

2.we need to develop new agriculture has no side effects with the chemicals used for food.我们需要开发没有副作用的新型农业用和食品用的化学品。

3.On top of that, there is the broader environmental damage from industry to which chemicals companies have been a contributor.此外,工业也造成了更为广泛的环境破坏,其中,化工企业难辞其咎。

4.The researchers will now follow the children of these women to see what effects, if any, the chemicals had on their development.研究者们现在将对这些妇女的孩子们进行追踪研究,以确定这些化学物对他们的发育是否有任何影响。

5.The company soon reapzed she had an unusual knack for identifying extremely low levels of troublesome chemicals.该公司很快就意识到,在识别极低水平的不良化学成份方面,她拥有不寻常的能力。

6.The enjoyment of a great meal, for instance, is not just a function of chemicals in the food interacting with taste buds.就拿一顿美餐来说,它带来的享受,不只是食物中的化学成分发挥作用、与味蕾互动而产生的。

7.The chemicals are designed to reduce the surface tension of the remaining oil and wash it to a producing well.这些化学剂用于降低剩余油的表面张力并将它冲洗至生产井。

8.It all started back in 1849, when Charles Pfizer & Company opened as a fine-chemicals business.追根溯源,1849年,查尔斯•辉瑞公司宣告成立,经营精细化学品。

9.He said scientists from his agency and others tested waters for oil or chemicals and discovered nothing unusual.胡根说,加州渔猎局和其它机构的科学家就海水所含的石油或化学品进行了检测,未发现任何异常。

10.Peaceful blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms.可知蓝色可以使人平静,通常在卧室使用。