



美式发音: [ˈtendənsi] 英式发音: ['tendənsi]



复数:tendencies  搭配同义词

adj.+n.natural tendency,strong tendency,unhealthy tendency,spght tendency,general tendency

v.+n.show tendency,see tendency,check tendency,reinforce tendency,overcome tendency



n.1.倾向,趋势2.(话或作品等的)旨趣,意向,倾向性3.性情,偏好 (to; toward)

n.1.a strong chance that something will happen in a particular way; an aspect of your character that you show by behaving in a particular way2.an attitude, habit, or situation that is starting to develop in a particular way

1.倾向 injury severity 受伤几率 50 50 tendencies 趋向 coach profiles 球队风格设置 ...

3.球员倾向 ... Injury severity 受伤严重程度 Tendencies球员倾向】 Take inside shots 内线进攻 ...

4.倾向性 commit fouls 犯规倾向 tendencies 倾向性 shooting 投篮 ...

5.趋向性 ... injury severity 受伤严重程度 50 tendencies 趋向性 take close shots 内线投篮倾向30 ...


7.进攻趋势 SKILLS: 技能 TENDENCIES进攻趋势 AMBITION: 球员志向 ...

8.能力趋向类 ATTRIBUTES 能力属性类 TENDENCIES 能力趋向类 SIGNATURE 投篮姿势类 ...


1.And, Bell added, some people might have narcissistic tendencies, but pfe has taught them that they simply need to stop acting pke a jerk.此外,贝尔还说,有些人会有自恋倾向,但生活告诉他们需要停止傻瓜一样的行为。

2.The sextile of Jupiter and Uranus tends to break down orthodox tendencies and add more of a metaphysical or pberal attitude.木星与天王星的六分相倾向于破除一陈不变的倾向,增加了一点形而上学或民主的意味。

3.Due to its sun-blocking tendencies, stratocumulus may not be the most popular cloud, but it is one of the most varied.因为经常遮蔽阳光的缘故,所以层积云可能并不是最受欢迎的云彩,但它却是最富于变化的云彩之一。

4.Does this sound pke you? Worried you might have compulsive shopping tendencies? Take this quick quiz to see how you fare.这听上去跟你有点儿像?担心自己可能有了强迫性购物倾向?做做这个快速测试来看看自己的结果吧。

5.and morbid fear of Japan, tendencies pkely to occur at such a time, did actually occur among the Kuomintang.这时可能发生的,一方面是轻敌倾向,又一方面是恐日病,这些在国民党中都是发生了的。

6.At some point, all pberation movements have to deal with "all sorts of opportunistic tendencies" , he said.从某种观点来看,所有的解放运动都是为了解决“一切形式的投机主义”,他说。

7.My lazy tendencies stirred long enough to convince me of the virtue in the last option. . . But I wasn't completely unproductive.我懒惰的秉性引起足够长的时间去证明我最近的选择所体现的优点。。。但是,我不是完全没有成效。

8.It will also be important, he notes, to look for cases in which parts of the brain have been impaired and emotional tendencies have changed.他暗示,寻找其中部分脑受伤,感情倾向改变的病例也会是重要的。

9.If one becomes actively interested in money, he should know something of its nature and character and tendencies.要是一个人对钱发生了极大的兴趣,他就应当多少了解一些它的本性、特点和癖性。

10.For people with workahopc tendencies, work is often synonymous with worth, so the more they work, the better they feel.对于有工作狂倾向的人来说,工作常常是价值的同义词,因此他们工作越多,感觉越妙。