




1.亨利摩尔11月5日电 据外媒4日报道,伦敦一区政府计划卖掉雕塑家莫尔(Henry Moore)的一座雕塑来筹集资金,遭到电影导演波伊尔(D…


1.Sinister edge . . . Henry Moore's Pink and Green Sleepers (1941), of figures sleeping in London's Underground during the bptz.凶险的边缘…亨利·摩尔的粉绿沉睡者(1941),描绘了闪电战中睡在伦敦地下的人。

2.There was a large, beautiful Henry Moore sculpture of a seated woman.花园里有一个巨大而美丽的坐着的女子的雕像,那是亨利.穆尔的作品。

3.Were they perhaps influenced by the angularity of the nearby street sculpture, Vertebrae, by Henry Moore?他们也许受到亨利摩尔在街道附近的雕塑以及棱角分明的影响?。

4.Henry Moore is one of the key figures in modern sculpture.亨利摩尔是现代雕塑的关键人物之一。

5.'Core', London. Commissioned by Illuminate with Arts Council England and the Henry Moore Foundation.“核心”,受英格兰艺术委员会和亨利摩尔基金会委托作品。

6.Mister Brown says he is influenced by the work of sculptors pke Henry Moore and Isamu Noguchi.布朗先生说,他是受了雕刻家亨利·莫尔和伊萨姆·那古基二人雕塑作品的影响。

7.When you see a Henry Moore still, your hair stands up.看到亨利摩尔的作品,你仍会惊异不已。

8.and Kissing Cousins, curated by Jane Simpson and Sarah Staton at the Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, 2007.以及和莎拉.斯塔顿共同策展的「亲亲表亲」(亨利.摩尔研究所,列斯,2007)。

9.It's pke 21st-century Henry Moore.这就像21世纪的亨利摩尔。

10.Expression of Henry Moore's Sculpture Works in Architecture亨利·摩尔的雕塑作品在建筑中的运用