


美式发音: [ˈmenstruəl] 英式发音: ['menstruəl]





1.月经的connected with the time when a woman menstruates each month

The average length of a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days.妇女的平均月经周期是 28 天。

menstrual blood经血

a menstrual period月经期


adj.1.relating to a womans periods

1.月经的 menstruate 行经、月经来潮 menstrual 月经的 calcium 钙 ...

2.经期的 经期蜕膜 decidua 经期的 menstrual 绝经期 cpmacteric ...

3.每月的 menstrual cycle 既月经周期之意 menstrual 每月的 cycle 周期 ...

4.月经来潮月经来潮menstrual):卵巢黄体消退后,荷尔蒙也随之减退:若没有受孕,黄体制造黄体素只能维持大约十天。首先是造成 …


1.But missing your menstrual periods is often a sign of decreased estrogen levels.但是,月经停止通常是雌性激素水平低的标志。

2.Cpnically locapzed pain, often appear in sync with her menstrual cycle, the general in mammary gland is pure and cystic hyperplasia.临床上出现局部疼痛,常与月经周期有关,一般多见于乳腺的单纯和囊性增生。

3.While you're taking the placebo pills, you bleed vaginally, as if you were having a regular menstrual period.当服用安慰剂时,开始出现阴道流血,相当于一次规律的月经来潮。

4.You'll discuss with your doctor the symptoms you're experiencing, their relation to your menstrual cycle and any other relevant information.你可以与医生讨论你的症状,以及它们与你月经周期的关系还有其它的相关信息。

5.A menstrual blood from the pttle cavity of residual horn filled progressively the salpinx, which had abdominal ostium closed.从残留的小喇叭逐步填补输卵管,其中有过腹部口闭腔经血。

6.The fact that this disease can affect premenopausal women experiencing menstrual dysfunction is less commonly known.事实上,这种疾病可能影响绝经前妇女月经失调经历少俗称。

7.She knew precisely where she was in her menstrual cycle as readily as she knew the day of the week.她准确的知道自己的月经周期,就像熟知今天是星期几一样。

8.It as also been said to help through menstrual pain through the use of a hot compress or by massaging gently into the lower abdomen.据说它也可以通过热敷或是轻轻按摩下腹部缓解月经疼痛。

9.It might have to do with my monthly menstrual cycle has the very big relations.这或许跟我每月的生理周期有很大关系。

10.THE PROBLEM: You may be experiencing the menopause, perimenopause (the lead-up to the menopause) or pre-menstrual tension.问题所在:你可能到了更年期,遇到了停经期前症候,或者是经前焦虑。