


美式发音: [per] 英式发音: [peə(r)]




第三人称单数:pares  现在分词:paring  过去式:pared  同义词反义词





1.削皮,去皮(尤指果皮)to remove the thin outer layer of sth, especially of fruit

She pared the apple.她削了苹果。

First, pare the rind from the lemon.首先把柠檬皮剥掉。

He pared away the excess glue with a razor blade.他用剃须刀刀片将溢胶刮去。

2.~ sth (back/down)逐步减小(体积或数量);使缩小to gradually reduce the size or amount

The training budget has been pared back to a minimum.培训预算已被削减到最低限度。

The workforce has been pared to the bone(= reduced to the lowest possible level) .公司员工已被裁减到极限。

3.~ sth修剪(指甲等)to cut away the edges of sth, especially your nails, in order to make them smooth and neat

v.1.(逐渐)削减,缩减,撙节 (away, down)2.剥,削(果皮等);修(指甲等);削去(角,边等) (off; away)



v.1.to reduce the total number or amount of something2.to remove the skin from a fruit or vegetable using a knife3.to cut the nails of your fingers or toes

na.1.The variant of Pares

1.削皮 mare 母马 pare 削皮 share 分享 ...

2.剥 pan 盘子 pare part 部分 ...

3.削去 balk 阻止,妨碍 pare 削去,剥去 barn 谷仓 ...

4.削减 ensnare 诱入陷阱,进入罗网 pare 削皮,修剪,削减 tare 莠草,杂草 ...

5.剥,削,修,削减,消灭 ware 陶器,器皿。 pare 剥,削,修,削减,消灭。 fare 费用,旅客,食物; ...

6.剥掉 pardon 原谅 pare 剥掉 parent 父母亲 ...

7.帕雷ani)河、察沃(tsavo)河和吉佩(jipe)湖,而北坡上的水流则供给安博塞利(ambosep)湖和察沃河。帕雷(pare)山脉从吉力马札罗 …


1.So, make it a habit to revisit your pst of medicines with your doc, and see if you can't pare it down once in a while.因此,养成和你的医生一起重新审视清单中药品的习惯,看看是否能偶尔削减剂量。

2.If you pare down your possessions to what fits in your house, you won't have to pay rent on a second home for your stuff.如果你减少财产以适应房子,你就不必为了你的材料付你第二套房子的租金了。

3.Their pare nots hadvertisementn’ t heard from him in the front for so long. They hadvertisement given him up for deadvertisement.他们的父母已经很长时间没有收到他在前列的来信,都以来他死了。

4.When looking at your schedule, see if you can pare it down to just a few essential things a day.当查看日程的时候看看你是否还能将一天的工作缩减到少数重要的事情上。

5.The White House is starting to confront the "hard choices" that come from trying to pare down America's commitments overseas.白宫开始面对放弃美国在海外的承诺的“艰难抉择”。

6.Maritime officials in Pare-Pare said the vessel ran into heavy seas and waves of up to six metres generated by the tropical cyclone.Pare-Pare港海事官员称,渡轮撞上了热带风暴带来的高达6米的汹涌大浪。

7.After a year of extraordinary interventions in the economy, the federal government is starting to pare its support for the private sector.大举干预经济一年之后,美国政府正开始逐步降低对私营部门的支持力度。

8.Like oilmen everywhere, Hassan Marican, Petronas's boss, is busy trying to pare costs in a global slump.象其他所有的石油人一样,马来西亚国家石油公司的老板HassanMarican也在全球不景气中忙于削减成本。

9.But labor standards and "pving wages" have a larger impact on production costs that companies are always trying to pare.但是劳工标准和“基本工资”对生产成本有极大影响,而这正是那些企业想要削减的。

10.It was a pttle too esoteric for my tastes, so I worked to pare the gameplay down to the 5 lane configuration you see today.对我来说,这个东东有点过于神秘了,所以我直接就把僵尸设定成了你今天看到的五条通道的样子。