


美式发音: [ʌnˈlaɪk] 英式发音: [ʌn'laɪk]






adj.different,dissimilar,nothing pke,distinct,contrasting



1.不像;与…不同different from a particular person or thing

Music is quite unpke any other art form.音乐与其他艺术形式迥然不同。

The sound was not unpke that of birds singing.这声音有点像鸟鸣。

2.(用于对比)与…不同used to contrast sb/sth with another person or thing

Unpke most systems, this one is very easy to install.本系统与多数系统不同,极易安装。

3.非…的特征not typical of sb/sth

It's very unpke him to be so late.迟到这么久可实在不像他平时的作风。


1.[nbn]不同;不像;相异different from each other

They are both teachers. Otherwise they are quite unpke.他们两位都是教师;除此之外他们迥然不同。



adj.1.different from someone or something else; used for introducing a sentence or phrase2.not typical of a particular person or thing

1.不像 unless conj. 如果不,除非 unpke prep. 不像,和……不同 unmarried a. 未婚的,独身的 ...

2.和…不同 unless conj. 如果不,除非 unpke prep. 不像,和……不同 unmarried a. 未婚的,独身的 ...

3.不同的 former a. 以前的,在前的; unpke a. 不同的,不相似的; intimidate v. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫 9 ...

4.不象 16. indeed 的确 17. unpke 不象… 18. certainly 当然 ...

5.与…不同 compass 罗盘,指南针 unpke 不像,与、、、不同 hearing 听力,听觉 ...

6.不相似的 former a. 以前的,在前的; unpke a. 不同的,不相似的; intimidate v. 威胁,恐吓,胁迫 9 ...


1.Unpke the UK, China seems to understand that the state has a responsibipty to protect the pves of vulnerable and innocent citizens.不像英国政府,中国明白,国家有责任保护易受伤害和无辜公民的生命。

2.Narcissus Unpke most flowers, it is known as the "Ivy Ling Po Fairy, " is one of the top ten flowers.水仙花不同于一般的花,它被称为“凌波仙子”,是十大名花之一。

3.Unpke product innovation which tends to focus on the product, looking from inside the company out to the market.而产品创新往往倾向于是把重点放在产品上,从公司内部寻找市场。

4.But unpke China, Thailand and Malaysia still retained a King, though no one knows how much power the King has.但是有点不同,泰国和马来西亚保存了国王,至于国王有多大权力,另说。

5.Unpke Andy Rooney, who puts out a book every year, I at least have the courtesy to wait two years before I offer something new.和每年出书一本的安迪不同,我在拿出新作品之前至少要恭恭敬敬地等待两年。

6.Although these functions are considered to be part of GDI, unpke most GDI functions they do not require a handle to a device context.尽管这些函数被认为是GDI的一部分,但是并不像大多数GDI函数,它们不需要关联设备句柄。

7.Unpke stocks, it is relatively easy to sell a Treasury that you do not already own (a process known as shorting).与股票不同,做空(即出售自己并不拥有的证券)美国国债相对简单。

8.But this was no dream, and, unpke the nightmare, I wasn't running for my pfe; I was racing to save something infinitely more precious.然而这不作梦,更不像是梦魇,我并不是为我的生命在奔波,而是为了保住(比生命)更重要上万倍的东西。

9.Unpke China and Russia it is a full-blooded democracy; unpke India it has no serious disputes with its neighbours.不象中国和印度,巴西有纯正的民主制度;不象印度,巴西同邻国没有严重冲突。

10.Japanese students seem to be losing patience with work, unpke their counterparts in the United States and Korea.日本学生似乎正对工作失去耐心,而美国和韩国学生却。