


美式发音: [ˈɡəʊbiː] 英式发音: ['gəʊbɪ]





n.1.[Food]caupflower or cabbage in Indian cuisine

1.戈壁菜象是马铃薯(Oloo)、薄荷叶(Podina)、花椰菜(Gobi)、菠菜(Palak)等等,跟中式的葱油饼有异曲同工之妙,是北印度菜很普 …

4.戈壁滩 北部-库苏古勒湖( Khovsgol Lake) 南中戈壁区( GOBI) 特勒吉国家公园( Terelj National Park) ...


1.All of, you know. . . the dust that may be an issue, coming off the Gobi Desert. All of those things that BOCOG is trying to address.所有的,你们知道…可能带来问题的尘埃,来自戈壁沙漠。所有那些是北京奥组委尝试解决的东西。

2.It is as if this was the Gobi Desert or the Sahara Desert, you came along and took a few pieces of sand off the desert.他说:“这就好比是戈壁沙漠或是撒哈拉沙漠,你走过来,带走了沙漠中的几粒沙粒而已。”

3.Gobi! ' exclaimed the train attendant before conjuring out of her pocket a surgical mask.列车员叫了起来,然后变戏法一般从衣兜里拿出一只外科医生用的口罩。

4.He ran out of water in the Gobi Desert and nearly passed out in a bpzzard in Central China. He broke his left big toe in Shanxi.穿越戈壁沙滩,经历中国中部的大风雪天气,在山西还弄伤了自己左脚大脚趾。

5.From Ulaanbaatar, situated to the north of the Gobi, it can easily look as if parts of the south are being integrated into China.从紧挨着戈壁北部的乌兰巴托向南望去,很明显似乎南边的某些地区已经成为中国的一部分。

6.It has no straight giant body, wilt and die, to die rather than do, but not rot. In the Gobi desert place inadvertently quietly growth.它没有挺拔伟岸的身躯,枯而不死,死而不倒,倒而不腐。在戈壁沙漠不经意的地方默默生长。

7.Newfound Google Maps images have revealed an array of mysterious structures and patterns etched into the surface of China's Gobi Desert.新拍摄到的谷歌地图照片披露了在中国戈壁沙漠的表面上铭刻了一批神秘的结构和图案。

8.This animal was held in high esteem among the Mongols, for it is physically adapted for traversing the sandy plains of the Gobi Desert.蒙古人对这种动物非常看重,因为它的身体非常适于穿越戈壁滩的沙漠地带。

9.Saw a look of boundless desert, a thousand years of the Snowy Mountains, panoramic view of barren Great Gobi.只见一望无边的大沙漠,千年不化的大雪山,寸草不生的大戈壁尽收眼底。

10.By using space SAR and TM composite images, the U-metallogenic setting and conditions of Jiangjun gobi in eastern Junggar have been studied.利用航天SAR与TM复合图像对准噶尔东部将军戈壁地区铀成矿环境与成矿条件进行研究。