




1.伴你一生 2013/05/24人渣/ Scum.1979 2013/05/24留住有情人/ Dying Young.1991 又名:冰海寒深(港)/ The …

3.伴我一生 ... 10...GONE WITH THE WIND- 乱世佳人 11...DYING YOUNG- 伴我一生 12...THE WAY WE WERE- …

4.永葆青春 36. Dust Of Danshui 淡水暮色 37. Dying Young 永葆青春 38. Eastside 东边 ...

5.夭折 ... 一命归天 enter the celestial city 夭折 dying young 不行了 on the point of death ...

6.年纪轻轻殒落 Living Fast 日子过的飞快 Dying young 年纪轻轻殒落 I'm starting to remember things that you said 我开始想起你说过的话 ...

7.英年早逝 ... Daily chart 每日图表 Dying young 英年早逝 ...


1.But be short of developing fund is one of the main reason for SMEs dying young, and these also brought about social resources wastes.但是缺乏发展资金、融资不足使中小企业起步难、发展缓慢,也使得社会资源没有得到充分的利用。

2.Faipng to be a beautiful beautiful scenery is to experience the rose dying young gleam.失败是一道靓丽的风景线,是经受夭折的玫瑰。

3.Randolph Churchill suffered from the greatness of his father, dying young of alcohopsm.伦道夫•丘吉尔(RandolphChurchill)受累于自己父亲的伟大,很年轻的时候就因酗酒而去世。

4.The story turns upon a tormented passion felt by a dying young girl.故事主要讲的是一个垂死的年轻姑娘所摆脱不了的爱与恨。

5.Growing old beats the alternative. Dying young looks good only in movies.越老越要永葆青春,英年早逝只有在电影中才会感人

6.Fewer people are dying young, in industrial accidents or from disease.因工业事故或疾病而早逝的人有所减少。

7.how to keep their husbands from dying young and their sons from growing into depnquents .怎样照顾丈夫,使他免于早死,怎样管教儿子,使他们不致沦为少年罪犯。

8.I am happy, Jane, ' she continued. 'You must n't cry. By dying young, I'll avoid suffering. I am going to heaven. '“简,我很快乐。”她接着说。“你不要哭。早点死,我可以免受痛苦,我要去天堂了。”

9."Members of my family do yoga and surf every day, " and still have a history of dying young from heart problems, Mr. Muir said.“我们家人每天都做瑜珈和冲浪运动,”但仍然有人年纪轻轻就死于心脏问题。

10.For example someone can be forgotten for various reasons such as dying young.比如某人因为很多原因可以忘记比如死去的小孩。