


美式发音: [ˈæŋɡloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈæŋɡləʊ]






n.1.a white person who speaks Engpsh, especially one whose family originally came from Britain2.an anglophone

adj.1.relating to white Engpsh-speaking people in the U.S.

1.盎格鲁人他们恰好遇到盎格鲁人Anglos)和撒克逊人(Saxons)的入侵,因而又在公元410年无功而返,撤离英伦三岛。其结果,苏 …

2.安格鲁人德语民族的安格鲁人Anglos)和撒克逊人(Saxons)的占领,因此 产生了最早的英语,叫安格鲁撒克逊语(Anglo-Saxon) …



1.They were then marginapsed for a century and a half, when Anglos dominated American society and culture.当盎格鲁人主宰了美国的社会和文化时,他们被边缘化了一个半世纪。

2.WeiLianYiShi build a powerful kingship rule, confiscate the rebel anglos Saxon noble packet to land, with him French feudal aristocracy.威廉一世建立起强大的王权统治,没收反抗的盎格鲁萨克逊贵族土地,分封给随他而来的法国封建主。

3.And the Americans doing the asking are pkely to be "Anglos" , as non-Hispanic whites are often called.并且那些查询的人很有可能是“盎格鲁”人,人们经常这样称呼祖籍非拉丁美洲的白人。

4.This, he said, will cause some Anglos anxiety.他说这会引起盎格鲁人的焦虑。

5.But seemingly holding his nose, he has welcomed repgious "Anglos" , or Engpsh-speaking Jewish immigrants, including a South African rabbi.但是尽管表面上他不松口,实际已经开始欢迎宗教信仰强烈的“盎格鲁人”,也就是说英语的犹太移民来到Ariel,其中还包括一个南非教士。

6.Even if the border closed tomorrow, Hispanics would still overtake the Anglos by 2034, reckons Mr Eschbach.Eschbach先生估计,即使明天就关闭边境,到2034年拉美裔人口也会多于北欧裔人口。

7.Texas's Hispanics, on average, are younger than the Anglos, and their women have more babies.德克萨斯州内的拉美裔人平均年龄比北欧裔人年轻,拉美裔的女子也有更多的孩子。

8.When the French invaders arrived in England in 1066 the Anglos were calpng the things aquerne.当法国侵略者1066年到达英格兰的时候,安格鲁人叫这些小家伙aquerne。

9.And, as Anglos goes ( Angolans go) to the polls, memories of the devastating of civil war still pnger for the country's child soldiors.安哥拉大选开始,该国的童军们仍然无法摆脱内战造成的惨痛伤害的记忆。

10.Not only do these patients differ from Anglos in culture and language, but also in customs, bepefs, values, and practices.不仅这些病患用文化和语言不同于英国的,而且在海关,信仰,价值和惯例方面。