


美式发音: [təˈbæskoʊ] 英式发音: [təˈbæskəʊ]





1.塔巴斯科辣椒酱a red spicy sauce made from peppers


na.1.a red sauce used for adding a strong flavor to foods

1.辣椒仔 咖喱皇 Kanokwan 美国辣椒仔 TABASCO 天马 COOK100 ...

7.辣椒汁辣椒汁Tabasco):用一种美国产的红色辣椒,加上醋和其他调味料制成的一种著名调味汁,色泽鲜红,味道极辣。 茴香头(…


1.In Tabasco, pke the rest of Mexico, progress has been impressive and yet the needs appear endless.与墨西哥的其它地区一样,塔巴斯科在教育方面取得了令人注目的成绩,但仍有很大的需求。

2.Mexico has declared a state of emergency in all 17 municipapties of Tabasco State.墨西哥已经宣告塔巴斯哥州的17个直辖市进入紧急状态

3.Two years later he got a patent, and the McIlhenny family has been running the Tabasco brand ever since.两年之后他为他的发明申请了专利,之后Mcllhenny家族就一直经营着塔巴斯科这个品牌。

4.Guest: Would you bring me a Tabasco and pepper powder?是的,能给我拿点辣椒仔和胡椒粉吗?

5.Tabasco and other hot RED pepper sauces apparently have particularly desirable antimicrobial characteristics.辛辣沙司和其它红辣椒酱类显然有特别理想的抗菌特性。

6.Tabasco sauce or anything hot is great during a hangover and no one really knows why.辣沙司或热的东西对于宿醉效果很好,没有人知道为什么。

7.Authorities in Mexico say 80 percent of the southern state of Tabasco is under water in the worst flooding in 50 years.墨西哥当局说,南部地区的塔巴斯哥州80%被50年来最严重的洪水淹没。

8.The Civil War gave us Tabasco in a much more roundabout way.美国内战用一种更迂回的方式带给了我们塔巴斯科辣沙司。

9.Mash salmon and blend with drained yogurt, lemon juice, lemon rind, the extra EASIYO yogurt, Tabasco and nutmeg.鲑鱼肉捣碎与干酸奶酪,柠檬汁,柠檬壳混合,再加入易极优酸奶,酸辣酱,肉豆蔻粉。

10.Vodak, Lemon juice, pepper, salt, Tabasco Tomato juice.伏特加,柠檬汁,胡椒,盐,辣椒水,番茄汁。