




1.获奖证书 领导人关怀 Leaders Care 获奖证书 Award certificate 杨凌事业部 Yang Ling Department ...

2.获奖认证 ... 公司理念 Philosophy 获奖认证 Award Certificate 人才招聘 Recruitment ...

3.荣获证书 ... Save information 存贮资料 Award certificate 荣获证书 (一定对!!所以证书都咁写) ...

4.公司得奖复印 20.Individual income tax payment certificate 税单复印及翻译 21.Award Certificate 公司得奖复印 4. 48R CHS 48 表 ...

5.奖状 ... 奖牌榜 tally of trophies;medal table;pst of prizewinners 奖状 award certificate;certificate ...

6.毕业证书 assessment methods 考核方式 Award Certificate 毕业证书 Board of Examiners 主考委员会 ...

7.奖励日起10天内,如别家价格更低,我们将退还给您这之间差价的110%。另外我们还会给您10美元的奖励Award Certificate) …


1.Tool used to create an award certificate or to change an object in a certificate.此工具用于创建一个奖状或改变奖状中的对象。

2.Managers decorate their offices with at least one award certificate issued and signed by Zhang.经理们至少用一个张先生签发的奖励证书来装点他们的办公室。

3.For the awarded project, please provide the copy of the award certificate.获奖项目应提供获奖证书复印件。

4.an environmental-award certificate given by the Ford Motor company in 2006.一张06年福特汽车公司颁给他的环保证书。

5.You can return to the Award Certificate Wizard at any time to change an answer to a question.您可以在任何时候返回奖状向导,修改对某一问题的回答。

6.The cover of award certificate.获奖证书封面。

7.The Globecontest Award Certificate will be sent to winners via email as soon as possible获奖证书将于近期通过电子邮件传送给获奖者