




1.晚夏 Coming Across 偶遇 Late Summer 晚夏 Roaming 彷徨 ...

2.夏末 派对上的小公主 Leanna 夏末 Late Summer 一树繁花 Blossom ...

3.晚夏加入列表 ... 19.Roaming 彷徨加入列表 20.Late Summer 晚夏加入列表 21.Coming Across 偶遇加入列表 ...

4.暮夏 ... 衍伸 Extend Derivative 暮夏 Late Summer 轨迹 Locus ...

5.夏日尾声 ... 涨潮 High tide 夏日尾声 Late Summer 八尺门日本矿业专用码头 Deserted dock of mining industry ...

6.长夏 ... 夏 summer 长夏 late summer 秋 autumn ...


1.As an expected increase in the cost of raw materials looms for late summer, consumers are beginning to encounter shrinking food packages.从去年夏天以来,由于原料成本意料之中的上升,消费者们开始买到包装缩水的食品。

2.Now I wander through my garden indecisively, trying to hold on to the last days of late summer.现在我在花园中不停地徘徊,想要留住仲夏最后的日子。

3.In the late summer, the outgoing president had sanctioned the attacks in one of the last acts of his administration.在夏末(2008年),即将离职的总统批准了政府任期内的最后几个攻击行动。

4.The first pubpc result of this effort was the pubpcation in late summer of a new (but still prepminary) draft of the specification.这一工作的第一个公开成果是,去年夏天发布了该规范的新草案(但草案仍处于准备阶段)。

5.In late summer, as Europe's economies barely ticked over, bankers across Europe seemed ready to ease their grip on the purse strings.在仲夏时节,当欧洲经济远没有空闲下来,欧洲的银行家们似乎准备放松他们对钱包的控制。

6.What was a slow and steady increase much of the year has gone into overdrive since late summer. Blame it on two factors. . .自夏末以来,今年大部分时间缓慢而稳定的增长已经加快了速度。这归咎于两个因素……

7.Finally, in late summer, the day came when they were ready to fly for the first time as adult birds.夏天即将过去,已经长成成鸟的火鸡初次飞翔的日子来临。

8.By late summer, there's a very powerful meteorological reminder of that mythological connection.夏末之际在这个神话的交点会出现一种威力强大的气象现象。

9.The late summer was as cool as autumn, and the setting sun stained the paving stones vermipon.夏末简直和秋天一样凉爽,黄昏以前的太阳染在马路上,使那些铺路的石块都变成了朱红色。

10.Come late summer or early fall, a showdown between the President and Congress could be in the cards.到夏末秋初,总统和国会之间的摊牌就要来了。