


网络释义:自动光学检测(Automatic Optical Inspection);自动光学检测仪(automated optical inspection);葵


1.自动光学检测(Automatic Optical Inspection)作为自动光学检测AOI)和自动X光检测(AXI)等高性能检测设备的制造商,该企业是电子组件检测领域全球范围内的领先 …

2.自动光学检测仪(automated optical inspection)自动光学检测仪aoi)在印制板的其他应用重要的作用 详细»深圳金百泽电子科技股份有限公司(www.kbsems网址被屏蔽)成立于1…

3.葵这里是AOI) 因为在大吧里发什么删什么 所以搬家到王道吧了 共有12张图片 一楼度娘。。。

4.自动光学检查自动光学检查(AOI) 的核心——快速准确对目标进行定位配准(10997) 从一个小项目了解自动获取、提交网页数据、字符转换、 …

5.自动光学检测设备自动光学检测设备(aoi) & 光绘机(plotte 至卓飞高线路板(深圳)有限公司 搜索工作: 由于数据不足,无法为您提供至卓 …


1.Is a standard defect board used to verify each AOI machine is catching all defects at the beginning of each shift?是否有不良标准板用于确认每台AOI机是否能够在开始每批测试前测出所有的不良?

2.In contrast to these urban-drama stories, some of Aoi's videos are in a more adventurous porno-science-fiction genre.与发生在城市中的故事截然不同,在苍井空的所以影片中的一些是充满危险的色情科幻题材。

3.Aoi acted out a variety of emotions as demanded by her role in this drama, which the Kuki Group calls her best video.在这部戏里,苍井空表达出了角色多种强烈的情感,KukiGroup称这是她最出色的一部影片。

4.Aoi: He's shy and tries to be cool. But he's a good guy, and hard to get close to.他很害羞,但是努力表现的很酷。但是他是个好人,很难接近。

5.Are the AOI programs data base on customer's data and are all the critical AOI settings and programs estabpshed by Engineering?是否根据客户资料制定AOI程序,并且由工程建立所与的AOI关键参数设备与程序?

6.BTW, today is Sora Aoi's birthday, happy you know it.另外今天是空空生日你懂的。

7.Is the AOI defect verification performed on separate verification stations and defect data collected and reported in a meaningful manner?AOI不良确认是否有独立的确认站并且有收集不良资料并进行有意义的报告?

8.Aoi: The scenery is beautiful. It was even in a magazine a while ago.风景很美丽。不久前甚至还上过一本杂志。

9.The curious boy goes around the Kyoto, and magically meets a very lovely girl named Naname (played by Aoi Miyazaki).好奇的他在京都四处溜达,神奇地遇到一位至纯至美的女孩七重(宫崎葵饰)。

10.[3] While in her third year in high school, Aoi was scouted in Shibuya by a talent agency for gravure modelpng.例如匹萨饼店,酒吧及寿司店。在她在涩谷(译注:东京涩谷区)读高中三年级时,被一家人才经纪公司发觉发掘成为泳装模特。