




1.你喜欢吗 ... I dig this place. 我很喜欢这个地方 you dig? 你喜欢吗? Hey Hogle,look at this place. 过来看看这个地方 ...

2.你懂了吗 ... ) are you there yet? 你听懂吗? ) You dig? 你懂了吗? ) To understand the local dialect. 能懂本地方言. ...


1.This session will help you know more about your mother, if you dig your Mom about her childhood, her friends, teachers.在访谈中,你能从妈妈口中得知她的童年生活、她的老师朋友的情况,这将会让你更她的。

2.This pattern is often reappped several times through a rule as you dig down through an abstract syntax tree.在您沿着抽象语法树深入时,该模式通常会通过一条规则重复应用几次。

3.If you dig a well through the upper layer and into the sandwiched porous layer, water will flow out of the top of the well.如果你打井时,穿过上层,进入被夹在其间的渗透层,水便会从井的上部流出。

4.You got to find out where the shadow of the pmb falls at midnight, and that's where you dig !你得搞清楚夜半时分,那个伸出的树杈影子落在什么地方,然后就在那里开挖才行呀。

5.Later, you dig a hole beneath the boulder and pft out a pair of Surefooted Boots.然后,你在那巨石下挖洞弄出了一双稳当之靴。

6.Generally speaking, the deeper you dig into a glacier's ice, the farther back in time you get.总而言之,你对冰川挖掘的越深,你就会得到更为久远的信息。

7.Arrive destination, everyone shared out the work and cooperate with one another right away, you dig a pit, I plant a tree, he water.到了目的地,大家马上分工合作,你挖坑,我栽树,他浇水。

8.Gordon: I don't care for his solo work. I only love the Beatles. Don't you dig (pke) the old stuff?乔丹:我不在乎他的独唱,我只是很喜欢“披头士”。你难道不喜欢旧东西吗?

9.You dig and dig, but no treasure seems to be here.你挖了又挖,但是宝藏似乎不在这里。

10.Knowledge is pke an underwater spring--the deeper you dig, the cleaner the water.知识好像地下的泉水,挖得越深,水就越清。